Yoga beginner general end sequence (collection level)

On the way to yoga, you should either focus on yoga or focus on a yoga practice.

At the end, you should practice some yoga postures to calm your body.

We call it the end sequence.

If you have more classes, you will find that the ending sequence is much the same.

Beginners end the sequence ↓↓ 1 The boat sits on the ground with your knees slightly bent and your back extended.

Keep your hands straight forward and breathe for 5 times.

2 Lie on your back, bend your knees, step on the ground with your feet, align your knees, put your hands together below, lift your chest, find your chin and keep breathing for 5 times.

3 Bend forward, fold and sit up, straighten your legs, fold forward from your hips for 1 minute 4 Lie on your back with your left foot on the wall, straighten your right leg upward, support your back or put a brick under the sacrum, and keep breathing for 10 times.

5 Plow supine, lift your hips, put your feet above your head, put your instep on a brick and keep breathing for 10 times 6 Fish supine, put the back of your hand under your hips, point on the ground on your head, lift your chest and keep breathing for 10 times 7 Rabbit knee calf landing, grab the heels with both hands, point on the top of the head, lift the hips up close to the knees, and keep the arched back for 10 breaths 8 Baby knee landing, calf landing, hands extended forward, forehead close to the ground, maintain 10 breaths 9 Simple sitting, folding, sitting and standing, simple sitting, holding hands behind each other, folding elbows forward, keeping your forehead close to the ground for 10 breaths The balance variant holds both hands on the ground on both sides of the thighs, raises the hips off the ground and maintains 10 breaths 11 Lie on your back with legs open and palms facing up for 5 minutes ▼ teacher wechat ▼ recent good articles ▼ today’s preferred Yoga people are watching..

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