Yoga back bend always can’t go down? It’s not a problem to practice these postures! nn

For yoga beginners, in addition to yearning for a beautiful handstand, doing a good back bend is also the dream of many Jia people.

But here is a question worth thinking about: are those who bend back very hard naturally soft or hard the day after tomorrow? There are many people.

It’s easy to do back bending, especially soft.

For example, doing push up wheel, standing back bending wheel, pigeon king and dance king, which many yoga people dream of, they can do easily.

How to do deep back bending without injury? How to practice back bending safely and effectively? I believe this is a question that many gamma people have when practicing yoga.

We often tell gamma people that the practice of backward bending posture should be in the right position, the spine should be extended, the rhomboid muscle on the back should be activated, and so on.

But many yoga beginners will say, teacher, I know what you said, but “minister and concubine” still can’t do it…

Indeed, it’s difficult for yoga beginners to do deep back bending, because the foundation of body back bending has not been laid at the beginning of yoga.

So, how can yoga beginners establish the foundation of back bending and prepare for deep back bending? Often practice yoga.

The backward bending posture can not only open the chest and adjust the round shoulder and hunchback, but also adjust the mood.

Today, we share 9 backward bending yoga postures to see how many you can get! 01 locust projectreport lie prone, put your hands on both sides of your body, inhale your shoulders back, extend your head, exhale and raise your hands, your arms drive your chest back, your thighs away from the ground, your shoulder blades retract, lift your inner thighs up to maintain 5-8 breaths, restore prone 02 small bridge projectreport lie on your back, your feet inhale in the direction of your hips, and slowly lift your hips up, Find the ceiling, hold your hands on the cushion surface, clamp your hips, and keep exhaling for 30 seconds.

Your back, hips, thighs, and lower legs land on the ground in turn to restore the posture, breathe smoothly, rest 03 bow projectreport.

Lie prone on the cushion surface, bend your knees, and breathe in with your heels, grab your ankles back, keep your thighs off the cushion surface, keep your chest off the ground, look at the syncline, and keep exhaling for 30 seconds, Restore the posture, rest 04 one handed bow projectreport lie prone on the cushion surface, bend the right knee, find the hip with the heel, grasp the tip of the right foot with the right hand, raise the upper body, look straight at the front, extend the left hand to the front, and leave the cushion surface with the left leg upward.

Restore the preparatory posture for 30 seconds, change the opposite side practice and stay for 30 seconds.

05 camel projectreport kneels on the cushion surface, and inhale with both feet as wide as the hip, Lift your chest up, hold your hips with both hands, exhale, bend your body back, put your palms on the soles of your feet, your thighs perpendicular to the ground, tilt your head back and hold it for 30 seconds, restore the preparatory position 06 camel variant projectreport, kneel and stand on the mat, inhale with your legs the same width as your hips, put your hands on your hips, exhale, bend your left leg, bend your knees, find your hips with your heels, stretch your toes, support your left hand back and your right hand up, Bend your elbows, thumb and fingers, look at the top of your eyes, lie on your back, bend your knees, heels close to your hips, put your hands on both sides of your head, palms close to the floor, fingertips towards your feet, inhale and prepare to exhale, push your hands to the ground, hips and abdomen up the chest, extend your lumbar spine, armpits evenly and smoothly, breathe for 5 to 10 breaths, 08 one leg wheeled projectreport from the wheel, Inhale, lift your left leg up and find the ceiling with your left foot to keep your body stable.

The center of gravity is evenly distributed between your hands and your right foot.

09 one legged pigeon king projectreport: your right foot is forward, bend your knees to the ground, straighten your left leg backward, your left hip is forward, your right hip is backward, adjust your hips, bend your right knee, stretch your toes, find the back of your head with your heels, grasp your right toes with your hands backward, and bend your spine backward to keep breathing smoothly for 3-5 months, The picture and text on the reverse side are from the network.

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