Yoga asanas and breathing help you stay in the moment, deal with anxiety and stress, and stay calm

Anxiety is no stranger to us.

In fact, many people are suffering from great pressure and anxiety.

If you want to get rid of the pressure of life and find inner peace, you can try yoga.

These exercises can enter the parasympathetic nervous system, cooperate with soft and stable ugayi breathing, inhale and exhale equally, and relax your face.

Practice as many times as possible every week, and you will find that your response to stress has changed.


Build a resting supine, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor, separate your legs the same width as your hips, and your knees can be close together.

Close your eyes, or close your eyes slightly to soften your vision.

Make yourself an observer and observe your breath.

It may be slow and deep, or short and shallow.

It doesn’t matter, there is no right or wrong.

Allow breathing to wash your body and nourish your cells, tissues and organs.

If circumstances permit, try to focus on a specific area where there is a problem (such as a tense shoulder).

When you bring your focus to this area and exhale, expel all unwanted and harmful substances from the body.

Then take a moment to think about a person or thing you appreciate and set an intention for your practice.

Stay here enough time as needed.


Twist the spine, bring your knees to your chest, put your right hand on your left knee, and extend your left arm to the left side of your body.

Inhale, then exhale and turn your knees to the right.

Keep 3 to 5 breaths here.

Inhale, turn your knees back, exhale, and pull your knees toward your chest.

Inhale, put your left hand on your right knee, extend your right arm to the right, exhale, and turn your knees to the left.

Keep 3 to 5 breaths here.

Inhale, straighten your body and repeat the exercise once.

Exhale and return your feet to the ground.

Stretching your arms while twisting can deepen the twisting and bring more air to your lungs.

This pose can also effectively relieve the pressure on the lower back.

Many people’s pressure is accumulated in this area.


Balance your hands and knees, roll your body to one side, sit up, and touch your hands and knees on the ground.

Place your hands slightly over your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips.

Focus on your hands and press your hands to the ground to keep your body stable and aware of the present.

This posture helps you build a connection with the earth and trust the support given by the earth.

Next, imagine you put your hand on your navel, hold you from the underside of your body, and gently lift and retract your core area upward and inward.

This pose is called “navel support”, which can extend and strengthen the spine, so as to protect and strengthen your lower back.

Try to maintain this support during practice.

Stay here for 5 breaths, then exhale, and the right arm and left leg fall back to the ground.

Practice on the other side 4 Pull your feet back into the plank.

Your hands should be directly below your shoulders and your body should be in a straight line.

Press your hands firmly on the ground, feel the support of the earth to the spine, and feel the connection from your feet to your head.

Use “navel support” to strengthen this pose.

Widen the chest and clavicle, and be careful not to let the hips fall down.

Keep 5 breaths here and focus on the soothing and relaxed Ugai breath.


In the downward dog pose, return to the four legged landing position, keep your hands directly under your shoulders and press them firmly against the ground.

Step on your toes, bend your knees and push your body back into downward dog pose.

Try to direct awareness toward the ischial bone by pressing the palm firmly against the ground.

Keep your navel supported and extend your side waist.

If your hamstrings are very tight, bend your knees slightly.

Keep 5 ~ 10 breaths here and feel the connection between hands and feet and the earth.

Then move your hands closer to your feet, or your feet towards your hands.

Inhale and stand up.


Warrior II with feet 3-4 feet apart.

As in the previous exercise, establish a connection with the ground, including firmly pressing your feet against the ground.

Turn the right leg and foot to the right, and the rear foot retracts slightly.

The right heel is aligned with the left arch, and the legs are firmly rooted to the ground.

Inhale, stretch your arms to both sides, exhale, bend your right knee, turn your right sitting bone to your right foot, and be careful not to let your right knee exceed your ankle.

Strong hind legs keep the body stable.

This is a very powerful pose that requires you to focus on the present.

Stay here for five breaths.

Always maintain a stable connection with the earth.

Inhale, straighten your right leg and exit the pose.

Exhale and straighten your body.

Repeat the exercise on the left.


In the triangle extension, turn the right foot and right leg outward again, and take some time to align the position of the foot, just like the foot in Warrior II.

Inhale, press your feet to the ground and extend your arms to both sides.

Press your feet down and flow your awareness all the way to the top of your head.

Exhale and support with your navel to keep your spine elongated and healthy.

Lengthen the right body over the right leg, put the right hand down, put it on a yoga brick or shin, and extend the left arm to the sky.

Keep 5 breaths and try your best to keep Ugai breathing.

Inhale, get up with the push down, and your exhalation will take you back to the center.

Repeat the exercise on the left.


The tree pose is very helpful to maintain balance, calm, stability and concentration.

First, keep your eyes still, or stare at a fixed point, so as to stabilize your body.

Press your feet firmly on the ground, lift your right foot and hold your right leg.

When your right foot and left leg push each other, you create an equal antagonistic force.

Finally, put your hands together in front of your chest, you can stay here, or stretch your arms upward, focus on your gaze and breathing, maintain calm and stability, keep 5 to 10 breaths, and repeat the practice on the other side.


Supported shoulder handstand, variant supine, feet on the ground, legs and knees separated, the same width as the hip.

Inhale, press your feet down and lift your hips.

Turn the shoulder peak down and put a yoga brick under the sacrum (a triangle at the lower end of the spine).

The height of the brick should be comfortable.

After the bricks are placed, press your hands firmly to the ground along both sides of your body..

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