New Yoga Life

Wrong yoga moves will make your legs thicker. Are you wrong in these postures?

It’s said that “no squatting, no hip warping”.

Some people began to squat, but their hips didn’t tilt and their legs became thicker…

It’s said that “flat support can reduce their belly”.

Some people began to support flat support, and they also said that they can support it for more than 4 minutes.

As a result, their belly was not small and they had low back pain…

It’s said that “rolling belly to practice vest line”, some people began to roll their belly, and they can do dozens of them quickly at a time, As a result, the waistcoat line didn’t come out, and there was a problem with the lumbar spine and cervical spine…

Many times we think it’s just one action.

It’s just the same as the video.

However, you think you’re doing the same.

In fact, it’s just that you think ~ it seems that the action is almost the same, but it’s much worse.

The muscle training sequence and correct force mode are incorrect, and the result is completely different.

Let’s list the 10 postures we usually do to see if you’re shot! 1.

Downward dog pose [wrong version] waist collapse: beginners are easy to get used to waist collapse.

Because it is difficult to relax, it may make the lumbar spine compressed and unable to stretch.

[correct practice] the spine, arms and body shall be in a straight line as far as possible, forming an inverted “V” shape with the lower body, and focusing on the legs to avoid excessive pressure on the wrists; Tips: try not to bend your knees.

If you have difficulty, lift your heels slightly, stretch your legs each time you exhale, and try to keep your heels closer to the ground.


Plate type [wrong version] waist collapse and hip warping: when beginners first do it, they are easy to exert force on the waist and hips to support the whole body.

If they can’t correctly exert force on the core muscles, they will damage the lumbar spine.

[correct practice] ① sink your shoulders, spread your hands and fingers to the ground, and keep your arms perpendicular to the ground; ② The abdominal muscles are tightened, the cervical spine, back, waist, hips and legs are in a straight line, the heels are pushed back, the top of the head is extended to the front, the eyes look at the ground and keep a steady breathing.

Tips: shivering is a normal phenomenon, indicating that the ability of core muscle group is still relatively weak.

More practice will improve it.


Crescent [wrong version] knee over toe: if you excessively want to keep your crotch close to the ground, it is easy for the knee to exceed toe, which will put great pressure on the knee joint.

[correct practice] ① kneel and stand with toes back.

Step forward with your right foot so that your lower leg is perpendicular to the ground; ② Lean forward, put your hands on both sides of your right foot, and touch the ground with your palms or fingertips.

Slide the left leg back slightly and lower the hip; ③ When inhaling, lift your arms up from the front with your palms facing forward.

Close your hips and bend your spine back so that the back of your body looks like a crescent moon.

Tilt your neck back, keep breathing in groups, and change sides.

Tips: keep the lower leg perpendicular to the ground, and the knee should not exceed the toe.

It is applicable in all similar knee bending postures.


Tree pose [comparison figure] foot top knee and center of gravity offset: step on the root of thigh as much as possible to avoid knee injury [correct practice] ① stand in mountain pose, put your hands in front of your chest, and keep your pelvis on the same horizontal plane.

One foot slightly off the ground, transfer the center of gravity to the other foot to maintain the stability of the hip; ② The thigh muscles of the supporting foot are tightened, and the other foot is stepped on the inner side of the thigh root, which is stable by the interaction of the two forces.

Keep your arms as close as possible behind your ears.

Tips: ① if you can’t step on the root of the thigh, you can step on the inner side of the lower leg to avoid the knee; ② If the center of gravity is unstable, you can focus on a fixed point in front of you, which can help you maintain your balance, or you can temporarily keep the posture of putting your hands together in front of your chest, and then raise them above your head after you are proficient.


Upper dog pose [wrong version] elbow over straightening and shrugging: upper dog pose is that the strength of the whole body is supported by the feet and hands.

If the elbow is over extended, it will cause excessive pressure on the elbow, which is not conducive to maintaining stability and joint health.

[correct practice] ① lie prone on the ground, keep your feet 20-25cm apart, straighten your knees, put your hands on the ground on both sides of your ribs, and move your fingers forward; ② Inhale, lift your head and upper body off the ground, consciously force the muscles of your arms, lift your thighs off the ground, lift your upper body as high as possible, tilt your head back, and look at the ceiling.

Tips: ① keep your arms perpendicular to the ground and extend them in a controlled way.

If you find an over extension (greater than 180 °) when fully extending, you can bend in slightly and sink your shoulders.

Don’t squeeze your ribs with your arms; ② Tighten your hips, knees and calves.


Shoulder inverted [contrast figure] the chest, waist, hips and legs are not in a straight line, and the elbow is expanded: shoulder inverted is known as the “mother of yoga posture”.

Only by forming a straight line from shoulder to foot can the body maintain balance and stability, while elbow expansion is not conducive to providing strong support for the body.

[correct practice] ① lie flat on the ground with your feet together, straighten your arms and press down your shoulders.

Exhale, bend your knees towards your chest, lift your waist and hips, support your hips with both hands, lift your upper body and keep breathing normally; ② Continue to lift your hips and thighs, support your back with your hands, so that your body is perpendicular to the ground from shoulder to knee, and your chin touches your sternum.

Tighten the hips to retract the lumbar spine and tailbone, and straighten your feet to the ceiling.

Hold for 2-5 minutes.

Tips: press your back tightly from your fingers to your palms, retract your elbows as much as possible to provide stable support, and keep your upper arms close to each other as much as possible.


Dance king style [wrong version] pelvic rollover: if the pelvic rollover is not conducive to the balance and stability of the pose, it is also unable to achieve effective stretching.

[correct practice] ① stand in mountain pose with your left arm extended forward.

Bend the right knee, lift the right foot, grasp the inner side of the right foot or ankle with the right hand, and stretch the right leg backward and upward; ② As far as possible, make the right thigh parallel to the ground, the lower leg perpendicular to the ground, form an arch behind, tighten the muscles of the left leg and lift the knee up.

Keep breathing evenly, deeply and long.

Tips: ① keep the hip joints on both sides on a horizontal line, and extend the left arm to be level with the shoulder; ② If you can’t, keep your left calf perpendicular to the ground and stretch your thigh upward as much as possible..

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