New Yoga Life

Why is Yoga not taken seriously—— Differences among schools

 Whyisyoganottakenseriously?— DividedWeFall.

Why is Yoga not taken seriously—— Differences among different genres , translation by , Xia Yuyi, Namaste, mydearfriends!  Todaywearecontinuingonourexplorationofwhythecommonmanisnottakingyogaasseriouslyasheorsheshould,especiallyintimeslikeourswherewearefortunatethatyogaisreallyreallypopular.


Namaste, dear friends! Today we will continue to explore “why do people not take yoga as seriously as it should be?”—— Especially in our age when yoga is popular.

Today we will explore the eighth reason, which I call the divergence among schools.




The beauty of this inheritance of yoga is that it is full of flowers – especially those originated in India and rooted in tradition.

However, due to the excessive commercialization of Yoga today, there is a lot of competition between schools – of course, this is a good thing, but there are serious differences.

Many schools are unwilling to associate with other schools.

They all think that their own schools’ teachings and practice methods are better than other schools, and may even be so extreme that they think they are the only right law, and others have problems, This phenomenon runs counter to the meaning of “connection” in the word yoga.

Soratherthandifferenttraditionsofyogacomingtogether,we’rewitnessingasituationwherethereisadivisionamongdifferenttraditionalschoolsofyoga,andtherefore,differentschoolsofyogaingeneral,andtherefore,we’renotcreatingacommonvoice, acommonstand tostandupforyoga,themoredividedwearegoingtobe,themoredifferencetherewillbeinpeople, andmoreconfusiontherewillbeinpeople,andanysystemthatissoconfusing,willneverbetakenseriously.

Therefore, what we see is not the unity of all schools, but the disputes between inheritance and between schools; We didn’t stand up and establish a consensus and a common knowledge for yoga.

The more our differences, the more different voices people hear, and the more confusion they have.

Any such chaotic and confusing system will not be taken seriously..

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