New Yoga Life

When Yoga meets menstrual period, these 8 postures must be practiced more!

Modern women not only have to face workplace competition, have children, do housework and body management, but also have to endure physical discomfort in those days of each month.

Due to the influence of hormone levels in the body, there will be abdominal distension, accompanied by low back pain, or anxiety.

In short, the whole person is not well in those days.

If you have the above symptoms, try these 8 yoga postures with the help of pillows, pillows and other accessories.

01 beam angle sitting and standing, bend the knees, and try to find the ground with the soles of the feet relative to the knees.

Inhale and extend the spine.

Stay here for 2-3 minutes.

Efficacy: effectively open the hip, stimulate the abdomen, reduce menstrual colic and back pain, and eliminate fatigue.

02 point knee baby style big toes touch, knees are wider than hips, the pillow is placed vertically in the front of the body, folded forward slowly, the body falls on the side of the pillow, the cheek falls on the pillow, and stays for 2-3 minutes.

Efficacy: this prosthetic posture can relax the tension of the hip, front thigh, lower back and ankle, calm the brain, and release tension and anxiety.

03 sit in an angular sitting position, open your legs to both sides, put your palms down, fall in front, fold your torso forward from your hips, land your elbows, hook your toes back, and keep your knees facing the ceiling for 1 minute.

Efficacy: strongly stretch the pelvic area, spine and thighs.

Release pressure on the hips, front thighs and back.

04 cat cow four corner kneeling posture, four limbs inhale vertically on the ground, raise your chest, exhale upward from your tailbone, bow your head and back, find your chin to your clavicle and look at your navel.

8 groups of effects of dynamic exercise: gently massage your abdominal muscles, stretch your back, 05 Crescent stand with your feet, take a big step forward with your right leg, touch your right knee on the ground directly above your right ankle, and lift your arms up for 1 minute, Side changing efficacy: stretch the back, front of thigh 06 pigeon pose starts from the crescent pose, bend the right knee between the hands, straighten the left leg and keep the instep close to the ground, feel the stretching feeling of the front of the thigh in the hip, and keep it for 1 minute.

Side changing efficacy: open the hip, stretch the thigh, groin, back and piriformis 07 relax the hands and knees, and pull the hands and knees to the chest and neck as much as possible, The spine gently swings left and right close to the ground and massages the spine.

Efficacy: release tension and relieve back pain during menstruation.

08 lie on your back on the pillow in the supine beam angle type, with the soles of your feet as close as possible to the heel, and the arms naturally fall on the side of the body.

The palm extends the spine upward to clear away distractions.

Efficacy: this repair pose can reduce abdominal pain and stretch the muscles inside the thigh, Hips and soothe emotions…

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