What is the popular so-called “yogi”?

Question: Hello, Gesila! What merits do yogis have? Is it the same status as a monk? Do monks need to worship yogis? With what attitude? There are also monks and monks who ask for Dharma and meditation in front of yogis.

Ganagassi A: the yogis mentioned by the Buddha in the Tantra refer to those who reach any of the four sutras.

No matter whether monks or laymen reach such a state, they are called yogis.

Therefore, whether you are a yogi should be measured according to this standard.

Now there is a kind of walker with long hair and white skirt in Tibet, which is called “mantra”, not “yogi”.

You should ask this kind of question.

Generally speaking, “mantra scholars” are not different from lay scholars.

At present, some people translate “mantra” into “yogi”, which is incorrect.

There is a great difference between the two.

Manjusri’s teachers are brave and wise, and the wise deeds of all sages are also natural.

Now I return to the good roots and practice with them.

All Buddhas of the third generation lament that this is the most powerful wish.

Now I return to the good roots, in order to win the victory of the sages…

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