New Yoga Life

What is the core competence of yoga teachers (2400 word collection summary)

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We can also click […] in the upper right corner and set it as the star sign ★ Oh, dry Yoga goods | live class | famous teacher interview home page and enter the “communication group”.

We see the picture of Xu Junzi in the group | some from Zhang Jingjing and some from the Internet.

How does the gap between invading and deleting yoga teachers arise? Why do some teachers say a word that students can understand, while some teachers say for a long time, students still look confused? The gap between yoga teachers is not which teacher is better at speaking, seniority, or marketing himself, but the level of thinking.

Facing the same pose, some teachers can see one point, while some teachers can see five points; Others can see five points, you can connect these five points, and you can even see the internal relationship between these five points and other asanas.

Then your competitiveness will naturally improve a lot.

But if you just try to think hard about how to improve the asanas, how to improve your thinking level through the relationship between asanas? That may not be a great yoga teacher, because in teaching, or in yoga practice, what opens everyone’s thinking level is input.

For example, you are simply practicing postures.

You know that the forward flexion is not good because of the weakness of the back of your legs, but you don’t know how to adjust to improve this.

Some teachers know and know that they can adjust with supine hands, feet, dogs, Warrior series, etc.

Junior teachers would be great if they could do this.

But teachers who know how to input and accumulate knowledge on weekdays also know how to relax by releasing fascia, such as scraping eyebrows and massaging soles of feet.

Therefore, for teaching yoga, in addition to being an excellent practitioner, you also need to constantly learn, practice, and then transform and output, and thinking is a necessary condition for output.

| what can be “entered”? There are thousands of classes on the market.

Do you want to learn from different schools, different teachers and different functions? The economy cannot support it, and there is not so much time; Pick the courses that are popular recently and the funds return quickly? After all, it is a flash in the pan.

Making fast money will eventually be defeated by “fast”; Do you choose courses from internationally renowned tutors? Not all “internationally famous” brands can follow, just as not all luxury brands are suitable for you.

How do you choose? If you clarify what you want, you will naturally make a choice.

First of all, you should know what you want and how to develop your career path in the future.

In case of exciting courses, first ask why? Why do you want to learn this? Is it really helpful to yourself, or do you have to learn this course after so and so? Why do you follow this teacher because she has the same ideas as you, or because this teacher is famous? There are so many courses on the market, and good courses are not in the minority.

Most people can’t finish them with their financial resources and time.

Why waste their youth on some courses that attract attention by gimmicks? Choice is not the first step.

The first step is to understand why you want to learn.

When I wanted to learn anatomy, it was not popular at that time, but because I knew that I wanted to know where the fundamental reason why everyone couldn’t do this pose was, so I went to learn it.

| choice is only the beginning, and the learning method determines the final effect.

When you choose, there will still be problems.

Many people have learned the course and participated in the workshop, but they will be baffled by many basic problems and can’t find solutions.

This is the pain point of many people who have finished the teaching and training course.

After learning, practicing and understanding, I can’t have class and answer students’ questions.

I can’t give a plan according to students’ questions.

Of course, it takes time to make up for lack of experience, but if I know the learning methods, I can shorten the time spent.

Like reading, everyone reads a book.

Some people read it, but they don’t remember anything.

Some people remember the context of the article.

Some people can explain it clearly, and occasionally say one or two classic sentences in the book.

Why? The problem is the method.

1) learn with questions} before reading, you’d better take a question.

What do you want to get from this book, what do you want to understand from it, and take appropriate notes.

Here, it must be said that many people take notes very carefully in teaching and training classes.

They basically record every word the teacher says, but this is not a note.

It’s recording the teacher and taking it home.

Your notes should be unique, what you think and understand.

For example, what is the feeling of this pose in you and what are your puzzles.

We often say that before teaching yoga, we must first be a qualified practitioner, and the practitioner must first learn to solve his own problems.

In order to better help others.

2) establish your own knowledge system.

You know a new knowledge point.

Write it down.

This is only the beginning.

Next, think about how this knowledge point can be connected with that knowledge point.

When you have more knowledge points and more connections between them, you will form your own knowledge network.

For example, doctors usually suggest that patients with lumbar disc herniation should not practice forward flexion and should do more locust style.

Through learning and thinking, you will find that people with lumbar disc herniation can not do wrong forward flexion, and the real forward flexion can actually play the role of spinal traction in physical therapy.

The basic knowledge points in the example are the causes of lumbar disc protrusion, the correct practice method of forward flexion, and whether there is any contradiction between the two.

| test the learning results | 1) apply what you have learned and repeat it immediately after class | after learning, the key is how to output, that is, how to apply it.

As a yoga teacher, the best practice is teaching.

You may be nervous at first, but it’s the best time to test your shortcomings.

You tell your students that this pose can’t work.

You should practice more and don’t give up easily.

It’s the same as a teacher..

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