Wear feminine yoga pants and choose a suitable skirt to show thin and tall

Wear feminine yoga pants and choose a suitable skirt to show thin and tall.

The matching of yoga pants has always been the most difficult problem for me.

Each dress needs to be considered and selected by myself, because it will add points to the overall shape, but it is not easy to choose at the same time.

Moreover, it is difficult for most people to carefully select each one, and there is no bottom in their heart.

Every time I look at the collocation of others, I want to know the origin, advantages and disadvantages of this dress, which is more suitable for me, and I also need more professional collocation knowledge to choose the most suitable item for me.

So I specially prepared a mix and match basic wear kit for you today.

This information package is mainly aimed at girls who have doubts about dressing, but have a certain concept of beauty and a certain matching foundation.

This matching information package is nearly 100g.

Due to the limited space, I can only choose the matching I think is more appropriate, so you should make your own choices according to your needs.

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