New Yoga Life

These seven yoga movements are more sour than massage!

Source: Yoga Road (ID: Yoga Road) who doesn’t like massage? Do the following yoga postures.

Take a deep breath in the postures.

After the deep postures, you will have a kind of relaxation after massage.

Keep 10-20 breaths for each action, or you can choose to keep it longer according to your situation of the day.

Take a deep breath, enjoy it, and take it away.

Thank you! 1.

Put bricks on your elbows Open your shoulders, release the tension of your neck, kneel on your knees, put the brick in front, put your elbows on the brick, put your hands together, then relax between the bricks, put your palms on your upper back and keep breathing for 10-20 times.

2 Sitting posture torsion releases the tension of the spine.

Sit tall, straighten your legs, bend your right knee, put your right foot palm on the outside of your left knee, and keep your left leg straight.

The left arm comes to the outside of the right thigh, and the right hand supports the ground behind.

Each inhalation extends the spine, and each exhalation relaxes the pressure and tension, maintaining 10-20 breaths, and changing sides 3 Relax your shoulders and neck in the needle type, come to the four legged bench type, with your left arm under your body, your left shoulder on the ground, your palm facing up, keep your right hand straight forward to the top of your head, keep 10-20 breaths, and change sides 4 Twist the “8” character, open the shoulders, relax the neck and spine, lie down, straighten the left arm by 90 °, turn the body to the right with the palm facing upward, bend both knees, step on the ground with the soles of the feet facing upward, hold the left hand back as far as possible, keep 10-20 breaths, and change sides for 5 Frog pose releases the tension of the hip and comes to the four legged bench pose.

Slowly open the right knee outward to make the hip close to the ground as much as possible, and then the chest close to the ground.

You can put a pillow under your head to keep 10-20 breaths and change sides 6 Half of the baby pose relaxes the tension in the hips and legs, lies down and straightens the legs.

Bend the right knee, close to the chest, grasp the outside of the right foot with the right hand, pull the right knee close to the armpit, shake slightly, keep breathing, keep breathing for 10-20 breaths, change sides ¢ 7 Lie on your back, relax your hips, legs and back, sit down, bend your knees, keep your feet opposite, sink your knees, put two bricks behind you, and lie down slowly.

One brick is under your shoulder blades, and the other is on the back of your head.

Open your hands to both sides with the palm facing up, and keep 10-20 breaths.

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