There are five different stages of yoga practice. These four yoga movements make your wild style more perfect!

Click the blue word to pay attention to the first kind of people: Yoga Gymnastics learners.

They have just entered the door of yoga, and most of them enter because of misunderstanding.

They believe that yoga is for fitness, especially in weight loss, body shaping and improving temperament.

They practiced a variety of yoga postures and found that the flexibility of the body gradually improved.

Some simple or slightly difficult yoga movements can be imitated.

Therefore, they dream that one day they can do some higher postures and show them to their relatives and friends.

In this way, on the grass, on the beach, in the park, they do handstands or other things to take photos, which makes them feel good.

They are like masters of yoga in the cheers of the crowd.

The vast majority of yoga beginners’ cognition of yoga is at this level, and they stay for many years.

This is because their coaches teach like this.

Most of those coaches’ cognition of Yoga also stays at this level, but those coaches have softer bodies and better posture.

The second kind of people: yoga practice, they can realize that yoga can help them repair their body, open up their meridians, and feel the energy rising slowly in their body and mind., The energy of yoga makes him feel the improvement of his temperament and strength, so more self-confidence rises.

Some of them will learn to obtain and maintain inner peace through meditation and meditation.

A few Yoga coaches and students have reached this level.

These coaches have been excellent in his yoga studio or among family and friends.

Because they can guide the students or the people around them to improve their bodies, they can improve their health.

The third kind of people: Yoga practitioners at this time, they no longer focus on conquering the so-called higher and more difficult postures, but meditate.

Meditation is combined with seemingly simple sitting posture and fingerprints, focus on internal practice, and are familiar with how to easily obtain physical and mental energy through meditation.

They abide by the commandments of yoga, restrain their desires, and love the people and things around them with good thoughts.

In most cases, their hearts are calm and gentle.

They realized theoretically that yoga is a link between body and mind, self and Brahman, a breakthrough in self, an exploration and return to self, and the supreme wisdom to obtain life liberation.

They often pull themselves away from the chaotic world outside their body through meditation, and advance in the long darkness, trying to find the tunnel leading to the so-called samadhi realm described in the book, and then go through it to feel the realm that they can’t speak clearly and few people can speak clearly.

Fewer people are at this level, which, strictly speaking, is just entering the door of yoga.

The fourth kind of people: yogis, yogis, they are calm about where they want to go.

In fact, in deep meditation, they can occasionally briefly perceive the spiritual world they want to go.

Their words and deeds naturally conform to all the criteria described in the so-called classics.

The temptations of the world: fame, wealth, love, etc.

no longer hinder his heart.

Yoga practitioners take the highest level of yoga as their ultimate goal in life.

They hide in the city, mostly in caves in the mountains, and practice secret yoga in ways that others can’t imagine.

There are very few people at this level.

If such people can become your mentor, it will be your blessing.

The fifth kind of people: yoga instructors who can understand the highest state of yoga and guide more people where their lives go can really be called yoga instructors.

For example, Sakyamuni put down his status as a prince, abandoned wealth and wealth, and finally achieved enlightenment and liberation through years of Yoga asceticism in the form of meditation.

And imparted his wisdom to the world.

For thousands of years, he has led countless confused beings to obtain wisdom and liberation.

Therefore, the Buddha is called “great yogi”.

Such a person has gone beyond the so-called “man” and become the embodiment of light and consciousness.

Today, Xiaobian will share four yoga moves.

They can not only help you open your chest and strengthen your shoulders, back, arms and core strength, but also stretch your hips, make your hips more upward and help you release the perfect wild pose! 01 sit on your hips, hold your hands on the back of your body, inhale, move your shoulders back to help open your chest and exhale, tighten the core, extend your hips, push your feet up, and push your feet down strongly.

The core starts the shoulder blades to tighten inward, and stay for 5-8 breathing tips: This is a good action to strengthen your shoulder, chest and back, but it is important to note that you can’t contain your chest Collapse waist practice! 02 from the bridge preparation, exhale, tighten the core, roll the tailbone, straighten the left leg upward, clench your hands on the ground, and push the right foot down forcefully.

The core and gluteal muscles start, maintain 5-breaths, and exchange tips on the other side: practicing one leg bridge is very helpful for strengthening hip strength and completing wild style! 03 lie prone on the yoga mat, lift your hands and legs up and exhale, tighten the core, hold the back of your right foot with your left hand, stay for 5-8 breaths, and exchange tips on the other side: This semi bow can well strengthen the flexibility of the spine and strengthen the back strength at the same time 04 bend your right leg, put the back of your lower leg on the outside of your thigh, bend the soles of your left leg on the ground, and lie back on your back with your hands and elbows on the ground, Keep the right hip extended, stay for 10-12 breaths, and exchange tips on the other side: This is a good way to extend the hip, and it is also very helpful to straighten the hip upward..

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