New Yoga Life

The secret of yoga masters’ success: practice, practice, practice

Everyone has a natural inertia, more or less.

But the high-level practitioners of astonga have got rid of the shackles of inertia, and their practice never stops.

Over time, all the masters have persisted for ten, twenty or even forty years more than ordinary people.

Excluding the new moon, the full moon and every Saturday, male practitioners practice for an average of 24 days a month and female practitioners practice for an average of 20 days a month.

If they are practitioners for 20 years, it is 240 months.

In this way, Fang becomes a master and a senior.

The subsequent preaching, teaching and dispelling doubts come from every minute and second accumulated by themselves.

Minute by minute, bit by bit, bit by bit, more is the thinking and experience of practice details, more is the awareness of very subtle parts of the body, more is the insight into different bodies and different postures, and more is the wisdom of fully integrating yoga into life.

Today, we want to talk about master gokulcandra, who has sent his video before.

The drill of strong posture in the video hit the viewer’s eyes.

The photos of his posture surprised people to drop his chin.

Since 2000, mahayogi gokulac andradas (Jani jaatinen) has been exploring yoga with his friend Janne kontala.

For 21 years, he has practiced yoga every day and made these spiritual exercises a part of his life.

In September 2012, mahayogi and his wife Jaci moved to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia to run their own yoga salon gokulyogashala.

He is famous for sharing yoga in a clear and energetic way.

He is often invited to teach and hold workshops all over the world.

Gokulcandra’s dedication and devotion to yoga is a real inspiration to everyone who has the opportunity to learn yoga with him! The Yoga Secretary carries “there are 84000 Yoga Postures” and records “there are 84 million yoga postures.

There can be as many yoga postures as there are many kinds of animals in the world.” there are also variants of postures.

I didn’t believe it before.

I thought so after reading gokulcandra’s Yoga pictures.

I have to say that men are really sexy when they practice yoga!..

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