New Yoga Life

The most suitable Yoga sequence for office workers. I want to practice it again after practice!

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Use the chair to do some simple stretching movements.

These small movements are very helpful to our health! Today, Xiaobian recommends 10 simple office yoga moves that can be done in front of the computer! 1.

Keeping your eyes closed and your mind refreshed for a long time is easy to make your brain lack oxygen.

Now, please close your eyes, stretch your eyebrows, slowly feel the inhalation and exhalation, and slowly relax yourself for 1-2 minutes.

2, stretch your spine, stand in front of the office desktop, support your hands on the desktop, and push your legs firmly on the ground.

Inhale and extend your spine, exhale, feel your body bend back slightly, keep breathing at a constant speed, and stay for 30 seconds.

3, Sit on the chair in the cat cow pose, put your hands on your knees and exhale, including the chest arch back, keep your shoulder blades away from each other, inhale, extend your spine, feel the extension of your spine section by section, practice dynamically for 10-12 times 4, stretch your sitting side, sit on the chair, inhale steadily in your pelvis, extend your spine, close your hands together, exhale upward, slightly retract your core, bend your body to the right, inhale, restore, Exhale, bend to the left side, keep dynamic practice for 10-12 times 5, sit and twist, sit on the chair, inhale and extend the spine, exhale, twist the body to the right, feel the lengthening of the spine, twist the chest, inhale, restore, exhale, twist and turn to the left, stay 8 breaths on each side 6, lift the air on the arm support, exhale on both sides of the chair with both hands, tighten the core and cross the legs, Keep your feet off the ground.

The chair should be fixed.

Repeat the exercise 5-8 times.


Relax your wrists and bend your small arms 90 °, gently clench your hands, turn them clockwise 5 times, and then turn them counterclockwise 5 times.


The bird King’s hands are on the right hand, the arms are wrapped around each other, the elbows are lifted up, the fingers are far away from the face, keep breathing for 10 times, change sides 9, the ox noodle’s left hand is from the back up, the right hand is from the top down, the fingers are buckled, and the chin is closed, Push the head backward to extend the spine, keep the ribs adduction for 1 minute, change the side for 10, bend the right knee with a needle eye, put the right foot back on the upper part of the left thigh, put both hands on the ankle and keep breathing for 10 times, change the side and do some simple yoga stretching movements during the working gap.

You will find that when the body and mind are relaxed, the nerves are not so nervous, and you will be more focused on doing things! (picture and text source network.

If it involves the rights and interests of the original author, please contact Xiaobian to delete it)..

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