New Yoga Life

Ten soul figures in yoga history you must know!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! From patangali, the father of yoga, to svatamuruma, the first promoter of hada yoga; From Krishna Macha, the modern revival of yoga, to Swami randford, who combined breath control and Ayurvedic medicine to treat patients…

In the long history of yoga’s development for thousands of years, these masters have illuminated the path of future generations with eternal brilliance and become stars that will never fall! No.1 Bhagavad Gita, the founder of patangali yoga, is the first Yoga Classic.

Yoga Sutra is another foundation work after Bhagavad Gita.

Its author pantajali is known as the father of yoga.

Patanga spread yoga by using the essential form and essence, which had a great impact on the wide spread of yoga.

His method in yoga is to achieve balance and harmony between body and mind through spiritual purification.

Therefore, his definition of yoga is: “Yoga is the stop of thinking fluctuations.” The Yoga Sutra is a great achievement of number theory thought and yoga school practice theory.

It stipulates to strictly abide by the “eight branches” (which generally constitutes “Ashtanga” yoga) to meditate.

Its purpose is to achieve the liberation of “independent existence” and return to the infinite + self.

The eight branches are the eight ways of practicing yoga: Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and Samadhi.

Patanjali also founded karma yoga, a higher level of practice in the Yoga Sutra.

Patangali believes that only hard practice (karma yoga) and deep meditation can free people from pain and obtain ultimate freedom.

No.2 swatama Rama, the earliest disseminator of swatama Rama yoga, has made two main contributions in the history of Yoga: first, hada yoga is the beginning of Yoga postural exercise.

Svatamuruma is generally regarded as the master of hada yoga.

He began the wide spread of hada yoga.

Secondly, svatamuruma pioneered yoga therapy.

He suggested that through the combination of yoga and Ayurveda (Indian traditional medical system), some common diseases can be controlled and cured.

No.3 Swami Vivekananda was the first person to bring yoga to the western world.

Swami Vivekananda was the first Indian philosopher to teach yoga outside India.

He has lived in Britain and the United States for a long time, integrating the East and the west, ancient mysticism and global politics.

He is the first Asian to have an impact on Western society.

He is also the first Asian thinker to assess the damage and possibility caused by Western imperialism in Asia.

No.4 Swami Sivananda combines Ayurveda with yoga.

Swami Sivananda is one of the greatest yoga instructors and yoga communicators in the 20th century.

He has written more than 200 passionate and insightful Yoga books.

The word Ayurveda means the science of life.

Ayurvedic medicine is not only a medical system, but also represents a healthy lifestyle.

No.5 Swami kuvalayananda, the pioneer of scientific yoga, is Swami kuvalayananda’s exploration and research in Yoga Science, which makes Yoga widely spread in the world.

He makes the ancient teachings of Yoga easier to be accepted by modern thought, so that yoga can be trained in a scientific and reasonable way.

Because of his scientific work, yoga has become more widely accepted and applied in the field of health treatment.


Krishnamacharya, a modern hada Yoga Renaissance man, is the most important person in the development and research of modern hada yoga.

He extended many yoga poses with his own experience.

Has indisputably become the father of modern Hatha Yoga.

In the early 1930s, krishnamacha challenged the perfection and benefits of yoga poses.

Combined with his experience and literature study, he created a series of sequences of different postures.

He fully combined the traditional yoga posture, breathing, Indian wrestling and British fitness to form his own hada Yoga system, breaking the traditional practice method of Yoga since the Upanishads.

No.7 patabhi Joyce, the successor and main promoter of Ashtanga Yoga, was a little boy when he met krishnamacha in a yoga exhibition.

Joyce studied with krishnamacha for many years.

He began as a college student at Sanskrit University in Massow.

He was a loyal follower of krishnamacha’s practice methods.

Joyce’s contribution is to improve the Ashtanga Yoga system that he said comes from the classic works Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita, hada Yoga light and other classics.

No.8 “Iron Man”, the modern founder of Iyengar assisted yoga, is the title given to him by Westerners.




lyengar’s hada yoga teaching style is widely loved by western countries.

How to use different equipment, enhance energy and reduce energy consumption is the main style of this school, which is particularly helpful to those who are extremely stiff and want to benefit quickly from yoga exercise.

Iyengar developed modern assisted yoga..

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