Sleep is not good. See how traditional Chinese medicine and yoga can help you recuperate

One third of one’s life is spent in sleep, but now insomnia has become a problem affecting modern people’s health.

According to the data of China Sleep Research Association, 24.6% of Chinese residents (about 300 million) have sleep problems, and the incidence of insomnia in Chinese adults is 38.2%! What harm does poor sleep and insomnia do to the human body? 01.

It is easy to feel tired and irritable 02.

The speed of skin aging is accelerated and the color of skin is dark 03.

It leads to decreased concentration and poor memory 04.

It is easy to lead to the occurrence of various diseases.

With the increase of pressure in all aspects, the sleep quality of many young people is getting worse and worse.

I often watch TV dramas and can’t sleep.

It’s good to take sleeping drugs, but the drugs will have three poisons.

It’s not good for my body over time, so many people begin to turn to traditional Chinese medicine.

So how should Chinese medicine regulate poor sleep? Sleep is not good, Chinese medicine how to regulate 1, sleep a “noon sleep”.

Traditional Chinese medicine health care attaches great importance to the role of “noon sleep”, that is, sleep at night (midnight) and rest a little during the day (noon).

Yang Qi is flourishing at noon every day.

Taking a rest for a while can nourish Yang.

The nap time varies from person to person.

Generally, it is appropriate to take half an hour to one hour.

If the time is too long, it is easy to enter deep sleep.

On the contrary, it makes people feel listless after waking up.


Nourishing Yin at night! When people sleep, the five internal organs are still working continuously, especially the heart is the hardest, so we need to consciously “reward” it.

Eating a little Yin nourishing food before going to bed can help keep the spirit inside, calm the mind and help sleep.

Rock sugar lotus seed soup, millet red jujube porridge, lotus root powder, longan meat, lily, or a cup of hot milk can better tonify the heart.

3, breathe before going to bed.

The so-called “quiet generates Yin, Yin Sheng sleeps”.

Slow and uniform breathing is very helpful to sleep.

This is because when the rhythm of human breathing is slow, the heartbeat will naturally slow down, and the operation of Qi and blood and life activities will slowly ease down.

In this state, people can sleep safely.

Generally speaking, before going to bed, it is not suitable to do a large amount of exercise or have mood fluctuations of great joy and sorrow.

You can sit and meditate properly, take a walk, or listen to some soft and pleasant music to make your mood more comfortable and make your body gradually better “quiet”, which is very conducive to sleep! 4.

Soak and rub your feet before going to bed every day to increase peripheral blood circulation, reduce brain blood supply and improve sleep quality! Before going to bed, soak your feet with warm water, supplemented by foot massage, such as Yongquan point (the first third of the connection between the head end of the second and third toes and the heel), which has a very good effect on promoting sleep.

Because this can promote the intersection of heart and kidney, promote the operation of Qi and blood, relax muscles and activate collaterals, and balance the state of yin and Yang.

While rubbing your feet, you can move your toes.

For example, the first toe is the channel of the liver and spleen.

More activities can soothe the liver, strengthen the stomach and enhance appetite.


The food diet for regulating sleep should be nutritious, light and easy to digest, non irritating, less oil, less salt, less sugar and rich in vitamins! Don’t eat some stimulating things at night.

For example, eat more foods containing protein and many trace elements and vitamins.

At ordinary times, we also need to pay attention not to use the brain excessively.

Appropriate relaxation and maintaining a multi exercise mode are conducive to promoting our sleep at night.

You can drink a cup of hot milk before going to bed and eat eggs and all kinds of fresh water fish, chicken, soybeans and so on during the day.


Remember that you can’t eat before going to bed.

When the human body is sleeping, the brain nerve cells are at rest, and the activity of the digestive system slows down.

If you eat before going to bed, especially greasy food, or eat too full, it will increase the workload of the gastrointestinal tract, and the stomach is easy to be damaged! Due to the physical objects in the stomach, the diaphragm is lifted up and the chest is compressed, people will feel poor breathing when lying in bed, which will affect sleep and the depth of sleep.

The ancients said: discord in the stomach makes sleep uneasy! In addition: tea, coffee and other stimulating and exciting drinks are not suitable for use before going to bed! Dinner should not be more than seven o’clock at the latest.

It is recommended that dinner be full at five or six! 7.

Do not exercise violently before going to bed.

Avoid overwork and excessive mental tension during the day! We should learn to reduce stress, pay attention to rest, keep enough sleep and live a regular life..

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