New Yoga Life

Senior yoga practitioners will never do the six “bad habits”!

Mistake 1: keep comparing yourself with others yogi Bhajan once said that a person has three enemies: comparison, Competition and complain that everyone’s physical conditions are different.

100 people have 100 body forms.

Yoga is more an internal practice.

We should learn and respect our own body.

Look inward and find our internal beauty.

If you stick to it for a period of time, you will find that you will also make mistakes.

2: blindly follow without your own thinking and judgment.

Blindly follow others’ practice plans on social platforms Regardless of the principle of this action, I want to try it less often, which may not have a great impact on the body for a long time.

Not only does the practice have no effect, but it will hurt the body.

At the beginning of contact with yoga, I suggest that I must practice under the guidance of professional teachers.

The unique structure of the body is naturally different.

It needs to be adjusted by professional teachers.

I can not love yoga but don’t hurt my body, Hurt the Yoga circle error 3: distrust of your body often talks about these reasons.

My body is too stiff.

I’m too old.

Thousands of people who are stiff older than you can do it.

If you don’t even open your brain, your body and heart can’t open error 4: enter high body without warming up.

Senior teachers will tell you that sufficient and efficient warming up is necessary The warm-up before practice can let you quickly enter the correct practice mode.

Not warming up will not only reduce the practice effect, but also increase the risk of injury.

The muscles are not elastic enough to cause tearing Error 5: I’m too eager for success in practice.

I often receive messages from some members, “teacher, I’ve been practicing for a month.

Why hasn’t it changed?” What changes do you want? Is it heart or body? Do you keep practicing regularly? Practice starts with what you can do.

It’s not impatient.

I want to learn in a second and accumulate over time, Wait for the flowers to bloom.

The body and brain will not suddenly open.

Just like the fruit, it will make your soil fertile.

The fruit will slowly mature.

Error 6: practice without awareness is just a mechanical movement.

Awareness is generated in a lot of practice.

If your practice is reasonable and effective, your body will experience some feelings that you didn’t have before.

Observe with your own eyes and realize with your own body Protect us to practice yoga more safely and effectively.

Practice steadily and continuously at every step.

Put down your impatience and wait for the flowers to bloom ▼ teacher wechat ▼ ▼ recommend good lessons and good things in the near future.

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