New Yoga Life

Practicing yoga for 10 years may not be able to understand the real meaning of yoga!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! We talked about the purpose of yoga is to learn to be grateful for what we have now; I also talked about the essence of yoga, which is breathing; I also know the essence of yoga, which is to know the “self” and get liberation; More clearly understand the essence of yoga is persistence.

So what does yoga mean? From the physical level, many yoga practitioners have felt that a certain part of their body is heavy, hard, painful or even paralyzed.

Some people will interpret this situation as “strain”, shoulder and neck strain, waist strain, muscle strain In fact, this is not so much an overstrain as a muscle, joint or bone, which is overloaded due to laziness in other parts or misalignment of the body.

For example, when doing mountain pose, we need to step on the soles of our feet, retract the sacrum, tighten the core, let the Spine Stretch naturally and the shoulders relax naturally As simple as the most basic standing three-dimensional yoga, all parts of the body need to perform their own duties.

In contrast, in our usual standing posture, because the soles of our feet are not pressed firmly, the knee joint bears additional pressure, the pelvis is not in the normal position, and scoliosis Just like the relay race, if one stick is lazy and runs slowly, the next few sticks must be overloaded.

It is a magical existence to study the human body from the level of consciousness.

It will change and evolve due to the current environment and consciousness.

As most women have “round shoulders”, why is this phenomenon common among women? That’s because when we were shy about chest development as children, we deliberately “hid” our breasts.

Over time, we will send the wrong signal of “this is right” to the body, and the arrangement of organs in the body will naturally adapt to this signal.

So we always emphasize that if you want to change your posture, you should first change your mentality.

If you want to practice asana well, you must first make clear the thinking in your brain.

If the idea is wrong, what you practice must be wrong.

From the perspective of soul, although people can’t judge by appearance, basically we can see a person’s normal living conditions from a person’s physical condition.

Yoga is even more so: the incorrect posture comes from incorrect consciousness, which includes subjective consciousness and objective consciousness.

Therefore, whether a person’s posture is correct depends on whether his consciousness is correct, and whether a person’s consciousness is correct depends on whether his mind is pure.

For example, if a person likes to press his shoulder and chest when practicing asana, it means that he is eager for success and wants to achieve a certain goal.

He especially wants to be outstanding and not be recognized.

If you want to change the bad habit of pressing your shoulders and chest, you should not tell yourself not to do so, but learn to be humble.

You will know that you can’t do it, so don’t force it.

What we all need to understand is that yoga practice is posture and realm.

4 the meaning of Yoga – connection in fact, in the final analysis, the meaning of yoga is connection.

Like the original meaning of the word “Yoga” in Sanskrit, it is unity, connection and combination.

It is the sublimation of the unity of body and mind, the connection of mind and body, and the combination of body and mind, rather than stretching and exercise.

Not only practice, but also “connection” is everywhere in life.

It is constant, exists in reality and actually occurs.

The connection between breathing and asana, the connection between yoga teachers and students, the connection between reputation and wealth, the connection between parents and children in the family and between husband and wife All these things are accompanying and affecting our life all the time.

All things in the world are full and lose.

We always want a balanced posture, a balanced interpersonal relationship and a balanced life.

But there is no connection.

What is the balance? It’s just that there’s no parallel intersection.

Let’s go after reading it 👍。.

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