New Yoga Life

Practice yoga support posture, arm strength can not be ignored, so practice more slender and powerful!

  Learn more yoga! Yoga arm trembling weak? Weak strength is the weakness of many yoga practitioners, especially for women! Many gamma people react that they are practicing postures that need arm support.

The arm support can’t last long.

Some gamma people even shake their hands.

In fact, yoga pays attention to holistic training.

Arm weakness is usually caused by shoulder, chest muscle and core weakness, which is compensated by the arm, so don’t forget to strengthen holistic training while strengthening arm strength! Today, Xiaobian shares a set to strengthen arm strength and comprehensive body strength.

It is especially suitable for beginners.

You must try it! Action 01: enter today’s exercise in the inclined board.

Pay attention to shoulder alignment, wrist, arm muscle tightening, hip muscle tightening, inner thigh tightening, stop for 5 breaths, enter the board supported by the elbow, and stop for 5 breaths.


Exit from the inclined board and enter the side board.

The right hand supports the ground, and the feet can overlap or cross.

The core tightening brings awareness to the arm, Tighten the arm muscles, stay for 5 breaths and change to the other side 03.

Support the right hand and right knee on the cushion surface, straighten the left leg on the side of the body, put the left hand on the side face, pay attention to the core tightening, lift the hip to feel the arm tightening, stay for 5 breaths, change sides 04.

Enter the cat cow pose, with the back of the foot close to the thigh vertical to the ground, the shoulder vertical to the elbow, exhale, tighten the core, bend the elbow and inhale downward, Restore, dynamic exercise 12 times, action 05, small table preparation, shoulder alignment, wrist core tightening, inhale, hip sinking, arm bending back, exhale, tighten the core, hip up, dynamic exercise 12 times, action 06, exit from small table, enter downward dog breathing and exhale, bend elbow outward, inhale hard outside the big arm, restore, dynamic exercise 12 times, action 07, prepare a yoga brick, Prepare for the Vajra kneeling posture, put the Yoga brick on the inner side of the forearm, push the brick, and stay here for 8-10 breathing movements 08.

Prepare for the big worship posture, inhale the Yoga brick under the hands, feel the extension of the spine, open the armpit and exhale, feel the full stretching of the arms and back, and stay for 8-10 breathing movements 09.

Continue to maintain the Vajra kneeling posture, extend the spine with breathing, and put the right hand on the top, The left hand is intertwined with the lower forearm and exchanged after 5 breaths.

This action also has the effect of tightening the arm and paying homage to the meat! Address: 3rd floor, entrance of block g, Huajia pedestrian street contact: 0313-621331618532289016 (wechat synchronization)..

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