New Yoga Life

Note that you may have practiced “fake” Yoga downward dog pose! (with practice details)

For Yoga downward dog pose, many people may think that downward dog pose is so simple.

Who can’t? Isn’t it an inverted V? No! No! No! Did you really do the downward dog pose right? 01 , collection of common mistakes in downward dog pose = now you can recall, what form is your downward dog pose? The following collection of common mistakes in downward dog style, do you have yours.


When shrugging to practice downward dog pose, some beginners will press their weight on their shoulders, elbows and wrists, so they feel wrist pain when doing support pose, and the shoulder back is thicker and thicker.


Many small partners on the back of the arch are stiff and the back watch chain is too tight, so when doing the downward dog pose, the back is not extended enough, like a circular arch bridge.


On the contrary to the above figure, some Jiaren are very flexible and will unconsciously press the chest during the downward dog pose, which will put great pressure on the shoulders and make the ribs protrude.

Detail drawing of downward dog pose ↓↓ 02 how to practice downward dog pose = so, how to practice downward dog pose well? The following points are very important! 1.

Stable foundation whether a pose is stable or not, the foundation is very important! In short, the foundation is where we contact the ground.

In downward dog pose, our hands and feet are our foundation.

Therefore, the state of hands and feet is very important! In the downward dog pose, the fingers of both hands are as wide as possible, the palms and heels are close to the ground, the tiger’s mouth is compacted, the middle finger points straight ahead, and the thumb is close to the center line as much as possible.


Body extension a good downward dog pose is extended, full, powerful and stable.

Keeping the back extended will make us more stable and comfortable in asana; Keeping the legs and arms extended can transfer the power of the earth from the foundation to the whole body.

During practice, push the ground with both hands, push the sitting bone upward, push the thigh root backward, step on the heel downward, put the center of gravity on the feet, and imagine the body gradually extending to release the stiffness and tension of the whole body.


Flexible adjustment the adjustment of postures should not be based on the book, but should be flexible according to the specific situation of individuals.

For example, in practice, the teacher will emphasize the external rotation of the big arm and the internal rotation of the small arm, but for students who are too flexible, they should remind her to rotate the big arm slightly inward.

When practicing, your legs should be straight, but if your back is not extended enough, you can bend your knees slightly first…

Therefore, when practicing yoga, don’t remember the password, but “teach students according to their aptitude”.

03 practice the dog tricks: a yoga block between the abdomen and thigh (Pao Mozhuan), you can find the feeling of abdominal adduction on the buttocks.

Feet and knees are hip width apart.

Touch your knees, step your toes on the ground, lean your hips back against your heels, hold a yoga brick between your abdomen and thighs, extend your hands forward to support the ground, open the same width as your shoulders, spread your five fingers slowly, lift your knees off the ground, keep your hips upward, keep the bricks clamped, keep your hips raised, keep your heels on tiptoe, extend your back, and slowly straighten your legs with your eyes looking at your knees, keep the bricks clamped, keep your legs straight, and retract your abdomen, Let bricks fall naturally 04# 6 variant exercises of downward dog style = well, today I mainly want to share with you the 6 variant exercises of downward dog style.

It is recommended to collect! Variant 01 Adjust the direction of both hands and the fingertips towards both feet.

This exercise can stretch to the inner side of both arms.

At the same time, it has higher requirements for the stability of the body core and the stability of the shoulders The feeling of extending your legs by crossing your legs will be stronger.

If you practice the upward extension of your hips on the Yoga brick against the wall, the extension of your legs and back will be deeper Bend one leg and put it on the other straight leg, or cross the straight leg.

The extension feeling of lower leg and hip will go deeper The dog pose with both feet against the wall tries to push one leg backward and upward, push the soles of the feet against the wall, and push the heels backward.

This exercise is also a preparation auxiliary exercise of the dog pose with one leg Start with the downward dog pose with your feet against the wall, extend your hips upward, bend your knees and push your feet away from the ground.

This exercise can better strengthen the core and the back of your arms The downward dog pose with curved elbows requires more flexibility of shoulder joints, and both feet and legs should step down more forcefully.

This exercise is also a preparation exercise for headstand.

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