New Yoga Life

No exercise, 5 yoga postures, let you lie down and sleep can also lose weight!

  At present, most of the work is sitting, and the time of standing is not much.

However, taking advantage of the opportunity of standing to twist your waist can not only exercise, but also play the role of weight loss.

It is difficult to grow fat on your stomach by taking a few minutes out of exercise every day.

There are also five simple yoga postures, so that you can lose weight when you sleep, and then you will fall asleep like a baby.

1 put your legs on the wall, lie down facing the wall and put the pillow under your waist.

Lift your legs so that your heels and knees are on the same line, your hands are on your body, and your palms are up.

Hold this position for 2 minutes.

Then bend your knees smoothly and move them to both sides.

Lie belly down on the pillow under your stomach and lock your fingers behind your back.

Take a deep breath, bend your back and toes, and try to touch your heels with your hands.

Then slowly down and exhale.

3 legs wide angle this action is a little difficult, basic can be operated.

Sit down with your legs apart and put a pillow in front of you.

Keep your back straight and inhale deeply.

Then, slowly exhale and stretch your arms and lie on the pillow.

Lie on your back with your feet together on the pillow, connect your feet, and then extend your knees to both sides.

Your hands relax and stretch on your body, palms up.

Breathe deeply and evenly.

Hold this position for 3 minutes.

Lie down with your legs on one side, bend your knees and put them together.

Slowly tilt your legs to one side and hold them with your hands.

Hold like this for 1 minute, then change direction.

Repeat twice on each side…

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