New Yoga Life

[love yoga] Xiaohan is the coldest, tonifying the kidney and protecting the Yang for the winter!

Xiaohan is the 23rd of the 24 solar terms.

It is the end of the sub month of the Ganzhi calendar and the beginning of the ugly month.

It is generally between January 5 and 7 of the Gregorian calendar, and the sun is located at 285 ° of the Yellow meridian.

For China, it was around the “March 9th” and Xiaohan marked the beginning of the coldest day of the year.

“The collection of the seventy-two seasons of the month”: “on the December Festival, the cold at the beginning of the month is still small, so the cloud is big at half the month.” Although it is called “small”, these 15 days are the coldest day of the year.

The cold after winter, on the day of Xiaohan, suddenly jumped to the peak, which was colder and more aggressive than the subsequent severe cold.

Three seasons and one season in the solar term, the Yang in Yanbei township has moved, and the wild geese began to move north, but they did not move to the northernmost part of China, but left the hottest place in the South; Second, the magpie begins to nest.

At this time, the magpie feels the Yang and begins to build a nest; The pheasant pheasant began to crow when it felt the growth of Yang Qi.

Key points of Xiaohan health preservation 1.

The most important thing to prevent cold and keep warm is that cold is Yin evil, especially damaging Yang Qi, and Xiaohan is the day with the heaviest Yin cold in a year.

At this time, the Yang Qi in our body can be described as “besieged on all sides”.

If our defense is weak, it will be eroded by cold evil and hurt our hair and five internal organs.

In particular, people who are afraid of cold, prone to dysmenorrhea, and do not sleep warm…

People with Yang deficiency and cold body should pay more attention to cold prevention.

To prevent cold, we should start from the outside and do a good job in the protection of head, back neck, waist, back, abdomen and feet, so as to keep these five places warm at any time.


Warming and Tonifying Kidney Yang: while preventing external cold, we should warm and tonify kidney yang in time.

The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of internal medicine says, “all cold collection and introduction belong to the kidney.” It can be seen that cold corresponds to kidney, Yang Qi is rooted in kidney, and cold evil is also most likely to slander kidney yang.

But at the same time, these 15 days are also a good time to seal Tibet with the power of heaven.

When we are most effective in winter storage, warming and Tonifying Kidney Yang and collecting kidney qi can get twice the result with half the effort, and the essence, Qi and spirit will be much prosperous in the coming year.

Three things should be kept in mind when eating a little cold.


Warm food should be eaten more warm and warm food to resist the severe cold.

The warm foods in the daily diet include trout, pepper, cinnamon, pepper, glutinous rice, sorghum rice, knife bean, leek, fennel, coriander, shepherd’s purse, ginger, onion, garlic, apricot, peach, jujube, longan, etc.

In winter, you can also eat more hot pot, braised mutton and so on.


Food should be miscellaneous.

Many people will eat too much high protein and high calorie food when the weather is cold, which is really beneficial to keep warm and warm, but it can’t be based on it.

We should also eat more Cereals, fruits and vegetables.

Especially for people with hyperlipidemia and hypertension.


In the bitter and cold season, you can eat a small amount of bitter heat removing food, which can not only prevent fire, but also help heart Yang, reduce excessive kidney water and benefit the kidney.

Common bitter foods include balsam pear, tangerine peel, lotus seed heart, tartary buckwheat, etc.

Expelling cold and dampness use “day Moxibustion” to expel cold and dampness in small cold days.

There is also a cost-free and effective way.

Don’t miss – “day Moxibustion”.

(Note: serious day moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine means blister moxibustion.) When the sun is bright, it is usually in the afternoon.

Close the doors and windows and sit in the house to avoid the wind; With your back to the sun, you can increase or decrease your clothes according to the temperature in the room, so that the warm sun shines on your neck, shoulders, back and waist.

Efficacy: use the power of the sun to help the body’s Yang rise and dispel cold and dampness.

What are the customs of Xiaohan 1 Eat yellow sprouts according to the records of miscellaneous records of Jinmen, there was a custom of Xiaohan eating yellow sprouts in Tianjin in the old days.

Yellow sprout is a specialty of Tianjin, which is made from Chinese cabbage sprouts.

In the past, there were few vegetables that people could eat in winter.

Yellow bud vegetables made up for the lack of winter vegetables to a certain extent.

Now, even in winter, people can eat many fresh vegetables.


Eat glutinous rice.

According to the Cantonese proverb “small cold and great cold are cold without wind”.

It is a traditional custom for small cold and great cold to eat glutinous rice to drive out the cold in the morning.

Folk tradition holds that glutinous rice contains more sugar than rice.

After eating, the whole body feels warm and is conducive to expelling the cold.

Traditional Chinese medicine theory holds that glutinous rice has the effect of Tonifying the middle and Supplementing Qi, and it is most suitable to eat glutinous rice in cold seasons.

In addition, pay more attention to add clothes to keep warm, soak your feet in hot water, exercise properly, drink more warm water to keep yourself warm for the winter!..

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