Light luxury yoga and healthy life

Among many kinds of radishes, white radish has the best effect of resolving phlegm and eliminating food, and is very suitable for daily consumption.

White radish has many “good partners”, some can complement nutrition, and some can double the nourishing effect.


White radish + pear – pear has the effects of moistening lung, cooling heart, eliminating phlegm and removing fire.

Squeezing juice and drinking with white radish can not only cover up the spicy taste of white radish, but also double the effects of moistening lung, clearing heat and resolving phlegm.

People with poor spleen and stomach can boil water together if they can’t drink too cold fruit juice.


White radish + mutton – eating mutton in cold season can dispel the cold and warm the heart and lungs.

But “meat produces phlegm”.

Mutton is easy to get angry when it is eaten too much.

If it is stewed with white radish with cooling effect, it will not only reduce phlegm and fire, but also relieve greasiness and make nutrition complementary.


White radish + crucian carp – boiled soup with white radish and crucian carp has the effects of warming the middle and lower Qi, strengthening the spleen and diuresis.


White radish + green onion – after being infected with wind cold, people will be afraid of cold, wind, less sweating, stuffy nose, runny nose, cough and phlegm.

At this time, people should eat some food that makes people hot.

Boiled soup with scallion, ginger and white radish slices has the effect of dispersing cold and relieving cough.

This soup can also prevent colds.


White radish + kelp – kelp and laver are rich in iodine.

White radish and kelp soup together has the effect of resolving phlegm and detumescence, and has a certain effect on the prevention of goiter.


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