New Yoga Life

Is the body stiff at the beginning of Yoga? Try this Yin Yoga

Many people worry that they are too stiff to practice yoga before they begin to practice yoga.

In fact, this worry is completely superfluous.

Indeed, people who practice yoga are relatively soft, but we don’t choose to practice yoga because we are soft, but we become soft after we practice yoga.

Softness is the result of practicing yoga, not the condition of practicing yoga.

Yesterday, I introduced Yin Yoga to you, saying that Yin Yoga acts on meridians, fascia and connective tissue, which can increase the circulation of Qi and blood, Nourish Qi and replenish blood.

Yin Yoga also has an obvious effect on increasing the flexibility of the body.

So you see, many of our shoulder opening and hip opening exercises are Yin Yoga plus movements.

Today I’d like to introduce a group of Yin Yoga series.

Help the body open the hips, release emotions and soften the body.

Action 1, sleeping swan and its variants.

Sit on a cushion with your left leg bent, your knees facing forward, and your heel against the root of your right leg.

Open the right leg to the right side of the body, bend the knee, and form a 90 degree angle between the lower leg and the thigh.

Put your hands on both sides of your front legs.

Keep the spine extended for 3 minutes (1) straighten the right leg, press the instep on the ground, and place the sole of the foot on the extension line of the right leg.

Press the right hip down towards the floor mat for 3 minutes (2) extend the spine, bend the body forward, extend the hands far away, or fold the hands, put the forehead on the back of the hands and keep it for 3 minutes (3) practice on the opposite side.

Action 2.

Dragon form and its variants.

Enter from the lunge, bend the right knee, the right calf is perpendicular to the ground, and the knee is in the direction of the toe.

Bend your left leg with your legs and feet pressed against your back, straighten your pelvis and straighten your spine.

Put your hands on your right knee.

Hold for 3 minutes (1) move the right foot outward one foot distance.

Put your hands on the inside of your right foot.

According to your own situation, choose to land on your elbow, or hold your hands on the ground for 2 ~ 3 minutes (2) rotate your right thigh outward, press the outer edge of your right foot, land on your elbows, or straighten your arms, and hold your palms on the ground for 2 ~ 3 minutes (3) put your right hand on your right knee, resist resistance with your right knee, expand your chest cavity, and keep your eyes looking at the ceiling for 1 ~ 2 minutes.

(4) Practice on the opposite side.

The third movement, yoga squat and King Kong sit squat, with feet the same width as the pelvis, palms of feet outward, knees to toes.

Put your hands in front of each other and put your elbows against the inside of your knees.

Hold for 3 minutes.

(1) Put your knees together, put your toes back on your hips and sit on your heels.

Put your hands naturally on your knees, straighten your spine, close your eyes and keep it for 3 minutes (2) the fourth action: stand in a hanging mountain pose, stand in front of the mat, inhale and extend your spine.

Exhale, bend the hip downward, put both hands in front of the body and hug each other with elbows.

You can choose Figure 1 or figure 2 according to your own situation and keep it for 1 ~ 2 minutes.

The fifth action is to simply twist your spine and lie on the mat with your head, feet and hips in a straight line.

Keep your hands flat on your sides and extend your head and neck.

Exhale, bend the right leg, turn the right knee to the left side of the body, press the right knee with the left hand, look at the direction of the right hand with the eyes, and land on the right shoulder.

Keep breathing for 5 ~ 8 groups.

Inhale to the right and exhale to the opposite side.

The sixth movement: lean forward and relax, lie on your back on the cushion, straighten your legs, naturally leave your feet away, put your hands on both sides of your body, palm up, close your eyes and relax your whole body.

Hold for 5 minutes.

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