How to relieve ankle pain in yoga King Kong sitting practice?

Yoga Vajra sitting is one of the common sitting postures in yoga.

Because it has a very special effect, it is well known by many Jia people and is helpful for digestion.

If you feel that you are full of food and your stomach is uncomfortable, the King Kong sitting position will be significantly relieved in about 15 minutes.

King Kong does exercises by kneeling on the mat, overlapping the big toes of your feet up and down, leaving your heels outward, and sitting with your hips in the middle of your heels.

Many people have ankle pain in King Kong’s sitting position, mainly because the ankle and the front of the whole leg are not flexible enough.


Use assistive devices.

Yoga bricks are padded under the hips and a small towel is padded under the instep.

The thickness is determined according to your own situation.

You can stretch the ankle.


Flexible ankle and ankle movement.

Sit on the mat, straighten your legs, stretch your insteps, and hook the soles of your feet to the left and right.

Circle the soles of your feet clockwise and counterclockwise.

Do 10 ~ 15 groups respectively.


Stretch the front of the leg.

For people with the front of the thigh and shoulders, the stretching is sour and cool.

They are impressed by what they have done.

They can pad a towel under the knee or a small towel on the instep near the wall.

According to their own situation, the body slowly approaches the wall.

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