Gansu Baiyin 87 year old lady, hobby: Yoga

Gender: female; date of birth: April 1987; marital status: divorced; height: 160; weight: 92; education background: Junior College; belief: none; Occupation: private; house: none; car: none; place of work: Huining County; native place: Baiyin City, Gansu Province; whether you can accept long-distance love (what range): No; self introduction: relatively stable and mature, Filial piety: official account: the other half of Yoga: mature and steady, filial piety contact points, the bottom menu bar of the front page, where you want to appear here, you can click on the first page of the public number to release the column free, copy the contents, and fill out the personal data, and send them to us through the box.

Our process is simple.

We publish information to let people who are interested in the official account see your personal information and the way you want to contact them.

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We are a professional dating platform, on which you can choose your own marriage and love objects online.

Only those who meet the requirements of each other can get contact information.

You can publish information to improve the success rate on the platform, or you can add our wechat to help you connect privately.

Only those with similar conditions can be introduced.

Only when both parties agree to exchange contact information can it be regarded as an introduction.

After the wechat exchange, the service is over, and it’s all up to you.

To release information and contact information, you should provide ID card (write in the blank space on the front of the ID card, which is only used for identity authentication of the same city dating and marriage network), life photo and personal data.

(working hours: 9:00-17:00, closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)..

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