New Yoga Life

Flat lower abdomen, collecting these 9 yoga moves is enough! You can do it lying down

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   For women, having a flat abdomen can not only enhance your charm, but also have more choices in dressing! Today, I’d like to share 9 core yoga moves to create a perfect abdomen.

If you want to wear a vest line, you must not miss it! Action 01.

Lie on your back on the mat, tighten the core, slightly retract your jaw, inhale with your shoulders off the ground, exhale with your hands on both sides of the body, roll your belly up and keep your back straight for 5-8 breathing actions 02.

Lie on your back on the mat, lift your legs at 90 degrees, hook your toes back, exhale, tighten the core, roll your belly up, touch your ankle with your right hand, inhale and restore, exhale, touch your ankle with your left hand, practice 12-15 times dynamically 03.

Lie on your back, Bend your knees, lift your hands, gently hold the back of your head, exhale, tighten the core, roll your belly up, touch your elbows with your thighs, inhale, restore the dynamic exercise for 12-15 times.


Lie on your back, lift your legs and inhale at 90 degrees to the ground, hook your toes back, exhale your legs separately, tighten the core, roll your belly up and twist left and right.


Lie on your back, lift your legs and exhale at 90 degrees to the ground, Tighten the core, relax the shoulders, stretch the legs forward alternately, keep the legs off the ground, perform dynamic exercises for 12-15 times, 06.

Lie on your back, lift your legs and exhale at 45 degrees to the ground, tighten the core, relax your shoulders, do scissors leg exercises alternately, perform dynamic exercises for 12-15 times, 07.

Lie on your back, exhale with your hands on the back of your head, tighten the core, touch your left elbow with your right knee, inhale and exhale, The right elbow touches the left knee alternately for 12-15 movements 08, supine position, legs are 90 degrees to the ground, toes hook back, exhale, tighten the core, hands alternately touch the ankle position, dynamic exercise for 12-15 movements 09, supine, core tighten exhale, right hand presses the ground, right leg straightens upward, left elbow touches the right knee to inhale, restore exhale, and change the other side to dynamically practice for 12-15 times, You can appropriately add 1-2 times of practice! The contents of the official account indicate that the copyright is owned by all the original sources (which can not verify the copyright or do not indicate the source)..

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