New Yoga Life

Fasting Yoga vs Yoga after meals which is easier to thin!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Do you all have a question, should I eat when I exercise? Exercise is obviously to lose weight.

To lose weight, you have to lose fat.

If you eat, don’t you grow fat again? The order in which the body consumes energy is first the sugar stored in the body, then the fat.

When the body has less sugar reserves, it is mainly after we are fasting for a period of time, such as waking up, not eating on time and so on.

Then, can exercise on an empty stomach stimulate the body to mobilize the enthusiasm of fat consumption to a greater extent? Today, yoga people say that ~ experiments show that fasting exercise for a month (fasting morning running) can reduce the weight of overweight people by 2-3kg in a month.

But fasting exercise can not consume more fat.

The weight loss mainly comes from the decline of muscle mass.

The advantages and disadvantages of fasting exercise have been debated for a long time in the academic circles, but most of the current studies tend to: it is not good for weight loss, fat reduction and strength training.

Not recommended for weight loss.

There are three main reasons: 1.

Exercising on an empty stomach will reduce the proportion of fat consumption to provide energy.

When we exercise on an empty stomach, the body does not improve the ability of fat consumption.

Because the decomposition of fat requires the participation of sugar (regulating the energy release of fatty acids), sugar deficiency will reduce the speed of energy supply of fat during exercise.

Instead, the body supplies energy to exercise at the cost of consuming protein components such as muscle.

This deviates from the original intention of exercise to lose weight and fat.


The effect of fasting exercise is poor.

Some studies show that the running persistence time and fat consumption of fasting running in the morning are only about 78% – 80% of that under normal conditions, and the effect of strength training is relatively poor (the maximum strength decreases by 15-20%).

Because sugar is the primary energy supply for our exercise, the lack of sugar will reduce our exercise ability.

So many times, morning running is very tired, but in fact, the exercise effect and fat burning effect are not as good as expected.


After fasting, the intake increases, and the fat is easy to accumulate.

After fasting exercise, the hunger center of the brain will be excited because of the common lack of sugar and fat, which makes us eat more unconsciously.

A study on the body composition of Muslims during Ramadan shows that although Muslim men need to fasting for a long time during the day, their body fat still rises after Ramadan because they eat more food during the time allowed to eat.

If you don’t exercise on an empty stomach, how can you eat better before exercise? For friends who run in the morning and exercise at night, you can drink a cup of honey water after getting up or 30 minutes before exercise, or eat a small piece of whole wheat bread, bananas and other foods that have less satiety but can quickly provide a certain amount of sugar for the body.

This is important for the body’s sugar supply and fat consumption during exercise.

Proper diet can help us replenish energy, restore physical strength and reduce the risk of muscle spasm, while inappropriate diet will increase the incidence of accidents during exercise.

Ann suggested eating these better: 1 Almond – supplementary nutrition.

Almonds contain a variety of nutrients, such as potassium, calcium, vitamin E and dietary fiber.

Eating a handful of almonds before exercise can prepare enough nutrition for the body.


Banana – prevent muscle spasm.

Bananas are rich in potassium.

Eating a banana before exercise can reduce the risk of muscle spasm.


Yogurt – prevent muscle damage.

Yogurt with blueberries can effectively reduce the risk of muscle injury during exercise.


Apple – King of healthy fruit.

Apple contains a variety of nutrients, strong sense of satiety, and moderate sugar content, which is very suitable for eating before exercise.


Bread – energy star.

In particular, whole wheat bread can not only provide a lot of energy for the body, but also regulate the balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat.

However, it is not recommended that you drink sports drinks directly before exercise.

Because the absorption rate of white granulated sugar contained in sports drinks is too fast, it is easy to cause insulin fluctuations, thus affecting the sports effect.

Generally speaking, 4-6 p.m.

is the best exercise time.

Because this time period is just 3-4 hours away from lunch, the carbohydrate reserves in the body muscles are sufficient, which is most suitable for exercise.

In short, it’s not advisable to lose weight on an empty stomach.

It’s best to eat something before practice, so that the fat reduction effect will be better.

Nimeng has learned baa ~ yoga.

From now on, let’s go after reading it 👍。.

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