New Yoga Life

Excerpt from nisagdatta’s conscious yoga, December 2021

Original English title of consciousness Yoga: consciousness and absoluteness   Published by Sichuan people’s Publishing House in September 2019   1.

Nothing happens and no one is bound.

Therefore, there is no problem of liberation.

Only when people regard themselves as individuals will they think about bondage and liberation.

All the concepts you have accumulated in this world are completely useless.

Understand that the whole manifestation is the son of the stone girl.

However, after understanding this, treat your actions wholeheartedly and act as effectively as possible.

Take care of your actions in the world, because it is an orphan   2.

There is no such thing as spirituality.

No matter what exists, it is only this earthly life, which is in the game of five elements.

You are no better than plants.

Just as weeds are growing, so are people.


If people really understand what I’m talking about, they know that I don’t ask for training or practice; They will have an epiphany right now.


Listen to what I say, but don’t expect to benefit from what you hear, because to benefit, there must be an entity, but there is no entity.


All things that will be exhausted are illusory.

Your “knowledge” will be exhausted and disappear at a certain time, so it can’t be true, but you can’t just ignore it, you must fully understand it.


After “I am” and body and mind, what you call spiritual pursuit or spiritual knowledge appears in the field of mind and mind.

That makes no sense.

When the time comes, the “I am” message will disappear   7.

Nothing happens except “knowing” itself, and “knowing” is just your inner nature – a small thorn in the background of “knowing nothing”, which is of no help..


There is only one reality in the world, that is: everything is untrue.

I am the invisible and speak through the manifested.


Anything you can grasp is illusory, and even the “I am” experience is not your true nature.

As “absolute”, you are not “I am”, but at present, you must live in your “I am”.


You are afraid because you think of something as “I am”, but you are not that kind of thing.

That’s why you are afraid.

If you find a diamond ring on the road and put it in your pocket, fear will overwhelm you because it is not yours.

When you put on an identity that doesn’t belong to you, you have fear.

When you are just pure “I am”, there is no fear.

Now, you are this “I am”, but “I am” is not reality.

The one before “I am” is your true nature.


All misunderstandings stem from the reality of “I am”.

You should try to settle in the original concept of “I am” in order to lose it and the other concepts that come with it.

Why am I completely free? Because I already understand the untruth of “I am”.


In this apparent operation process, if you regard something as an individual event, it will affect you as an individual.

If you do not regard it as an individual event, but as the operation of the whole, no matter what happens, it will not affect you.

To know the true self is to know the dreaminess of the sense of “I am”.

By assuming an independent identity, man pollutes the uncontaminated thing, which is the original sin.


Your experience belongs to the realm of consciousness.

In the field of consciousness, you cannot experience reality.

In fact, you cannot experience reality, because after all, you are that.

How can there be an experience of reality? Reality precedes existence.


Your true nature is your sense of existence, that is, consciousness.

What I’m talking about is consciousness, that is, the sense of being.

Doesn’t the sense of being, that is, consciousness, precede everything else? Isn’t it the original thing? The sense of existence makes you don’t need any mental activity to know that you exist.

You don’t have to ask yourself, “do I exist, do I have consciousness”; Being is an intuition.

You know you exist.

The sense of being is not to feel that I exist, you exist, or any individual exists; The sense of being is the feeling of being itself.


When you settle in your true self, there is no other, and you are everything.

If you live in your true self, you are like nothingness, without duality.

You are as vast and subtle as void, that is liberation, and you are not limited by any name or form.

First, you should settle in your true self and surpass it.

After transcendence, you will realize your ultimate.


There are three stages: 1.

Giva atman, identify people with the same body and mind.

He thinks that I am a body, a personality and an individual separated from the world.

Because he identifies with the body and mind, he separates himself from the world and isolates himself as an independent personality.


It only refers to existence or consciousness, that is, the world.

“I am” refers to my whole world.

Only existence and the world, the world and existence are perceived together – that is atman.


The ultimate principle, which knows that “existence” is completely unspeakable.

It cannot be approached or limited by any language.

That’s the ultimate state.


I fully know that Youzhi will not stay.

I live in a state of no knowing   18.

The unborn is enjoying the birth principle.

The principle of being born takes so much time to understand this, there is only no life everywhere.

I spent so much time getting to know myself.


In the state of “awakened person”, I am exists, but he doesn’t pay attention to it, and the wise man is not influenced by the concept.


All my knowledge has been emptied.

I’m all right.

(the above is excerpted by the translator of this book in December 2021)..

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