New Yoga Life

Detailed explanation of Yoga shaping action: it’s not a matter of practicing a good figure, but also a good temperament

Global fitness club Yoga shaping a good figure is what many people dream of.

Good body management can not only make themselves younger, but also make the opposite sex love themselves, which is conducive to health and avoid many diseases.

The good or bad figure should be maintained through an appropriate amount of exercise.

The shaping action of yoga can not only quickly change the figure and increase self-confidence, but also has a small amount of exercise.

It is very suitable for busy white-collar workers to practice.

Riding variant is not difficult to practice.

In fact, it is a variant of one leg pigeon king style or crescent style.

Some simple basic practitioners can quickly feel the effect of practice, enhance the sense of balance of the body, look tall and beautiful, and improve their temperament.

Enter through the downward dog position, raise the left leg to its highest limit, quickly recover, and then stretch forward and straighten between your hands.

Bend the knee, the knee of the right leg falls to the ground, and the soles of the feet should step firmly on the ground.

At the same time, the right leg should be gradually stretched back, the upper limbs should remain upright, the chest should be raised and the abdomen should be closed, the two hands should be folded in front of the chest, the left heel should be raised up, the right leg should be lifted, the soles of the feet should be straightened, and the right knee and left foot should be kept stable.

Look ahead for 15 seconds, and Practice on the other side.

Side pigeon variant the side pigeon variant has a beautiful movement and can play a shaping effect.

It can not only greatly improve the people with too bulky legs and lack of curve beauty, but also make the waist soft and slender.

It has the effect of raising the chest and closing the abdomen, and can effectively eliminate the “worship meat” of hands and arms.

During practice, sit on the mat, relax your body as much as possible, take a deep breath, then bend your feet and stretch to the right, put your left foot close to the perineum and hold it, support your left finger on the ground in front of your left knee, lift your right hand and bend your elbow, with your forearm and lower leg facing up, bend your knees on your right leg, straighten your soles, buckle the inner side of your soles on the inner side of your right elbow, and turn your head to the right, Hold the position for 15 seconds, then practice on the other side.

Wheel variant in the Yoga circle, wheel is very famous.

If you don’t have a good figure or poor figure, you can choose this action practice if you want to improve as soon as possible.

Enter by lying on your back, inhale first, stretch your arms straight above your head, bend your elbows, fold your palms under your neck, and then exhale.

Bend your knees, bring your heels closer to your hips, push your feet and small arms to the ground, lift your body to the ground, lift your hips up and your heels up as much as possible until they are perpendicular to the ground, and move your head down and perpendicular to the ground, Keep your hands apart and keep your palms firmly on the ground for 1-3 minutes.

Mastering the standard Yoga wheel requires a certain amount of time and can’t be too hasty.

Beginners can replace it with the above simple wheel variant movements, which can continuously beautify the lines of the legs, improve the figure and temperament, strengthen the exercise of the abdomen, eliminate the fat on the abdomen, and make the abdomen compact.

During practice, you also enter by lying on your back, with your hands on both sides of your shoulders, your fingertips facing your feet, your legs wider than your shoulders, your feet on the ground, your hands on the ground, and lift your body up, your body off the ground, your waist arched up, your abdomen closed, your arms and legs straight, and your head perpendicular to the ground, Feel the extension of the body, let the blood flow into the head and nourish the facial skin.

Keep this position for 1-3 minutes.

The graphic material comes from the Internet and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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