New Yoga Life

Deng Xiaosong yoga meditation, modern female meditation yoga class, Deng Xiaosong

Set aside 10 minutes for yourself every day to meditate and yoga.

In the changeable world and noisy crowd, keep your heart and strengthen yourself! Recently, I saw a saying: being able to rest is a woman’s top strength.

I really feel it.

Just say sister Ning around me.

At the age of 36, she has just been promoted to the middle-level leadership of the company at the beginning of the year, and has been busy several times than before: in the company, the following young people who have just been recruited need to take care of them.

When the project is busy, she has to work overtime late into the night every day; At home, I pick up my children from work every day, tutor my homework, and do a lot of housework…

I’m busy every day.

If you want to be someone else, you’ll probably be in a mess and disheartened.

But sister Ning surprised the people around her – her makeup was more exquisite and her state was more abundant than before…

Even if she worked overtime for several days, she didn’t see her “face of staying up late”.

Run to her 40 year old, the whole person is young like a 20-year-old girl! What impressed me most was that I went on a business trip with sister Ning once.

The post-90s around me only followed for one day.

They were too tired to lie down as soon as they arrived at the hotel.

Take another look at sister Ning.

She has been busy all day.

She is not idle when she comes to the hotel at night: carefully remove her makeup, skin care and wash…

Then she takes out her notebook and taps the keyboard while making a video with her daughter.

“Is sister Ning Superman? Why doesn’t she know she’s tired?” the colleague joked.

Sister Ning listened and said with a smile, “in fact, life is like this.

The key depends on how you adjust yourself.

Just like me, when I’m too busy, I’ll take a break and sometimes meditate and relax.” I see.

It’s easy and difficult.

Women over the age of 30 are wives, mothers, daughters and daughter-in-law.

They have too many things to do every day and bear too heavy responsibilities.

Accustomed to a person living into an army, even if you lie down, your mind is full of thoughts, and you can’t stop at all.

It’s not easy to have a holiday.

No matter how long I sleep, I’m still anxious and tired.

In fact, this is because you won’t have high-quality rest.

In life, you must work hard for your livelihood and family, but being busy is a state and rest is an ability.

As Zhu Guangqian, a literary master, said: if you walk for a long time, you walk more slowly.

Only by learning to pull yourself out of your busy life and adjusting the rhythm, can you be more firm on the road.

At the age of 35, I divorced.

I should have been in a mess, but I lived in the best state.

I was Komatsu, a “desperate third mother” who worked hard for my family.

As soon as I graduated from college, I began to drift north with my boyfriend of 4 years.

In order to get a foothold in big cities, we often live in the company with toothbrushes and blankets and fight for a project.

In this way, two years later, we made a down payment for the house in Beijing, got married smoothly, and had our own baby.

▼ after the wedding photos at that time had a sweetheart daughter, my days became more busy in order to give my children a better life and education.

Work hard in the company during the day to fight for our small family; In the evening, I also insisted on not missing the child’s growth, telling her stories and accompanying her to sleep; Such a day is five years.

Although busy and tired, I really felt that I was the happiest woman at that time.

But I didn’t expect that the success of campus couples is beautiful, but it’s not easy to fall into specific life.

Career differences, disputes between the two families and children’s education are eroding this marriage bit by bit.

After eight years of marriage, we divorced.

Divorce is no big deal to outsiders.

But for me, it means that my beautiful love in college is broken, my years of youth are wasted, and every pay for this family is meaningless.

The chain reaction of grievance, fatigue and weakness also appeared in my body.

I began to suffer from insomnia, acne, listlessness every day, and even missed several important customers in a row.

At this time, I suddenly woke up: it turned out that I had been struggling before.

I am a good boss, a good wife and a good mother, but at the same time, I am also a crying, tired and fragile woman…

From the inside out, I am completely broken.

An unexpected yoga meditation brought me back peace and relaxation   How magical is this decompression method that stars are practicing? But I can’t give up myself.

I have a daughter to raise.

I have to get myself back.

So I began to try various methods to make myself strong physically and mentally.

At first, I chose to read, but when I read the beautiful or mournful plot in the book, it will make me think of my situation and become more and more painful; Want to strengthen your body by running? I was already tired for a long time, and now I am more tired with taking care of my children alone.

After running, I just feel paralyzed and feel so aggrieved that I just want to cry; Until I went to the yoga studio once, my yoga teacher said, “look at your bad state recently.

In this class, I’ll take you to yoga meditation.” unexpectedly, this wonderful experience reduced the fatigue of the body, and finally had the first good sleep after divorce.

Clear ears, clear eyes and full vitality.

▼ at the beginning of my first experience of yoga meditation, I just thought that this might be my psychological role.

After checking the data, I found that the yoga meditation taught by my teacher was combined with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and focused on the stretching of fascia in the body.

As the old saying goes, “an inch long tendon will last ten years”.

It is like a city sewer, covering the whole body and regulating your excretory system, circulatory system and lymphatic system.

It can make you better detoxify and have a good look, sleep and face.

The essence of yoga, meditation, as an excellent relaxation therapy for the brain, has been popular in the United States for more than 40 years.

Many stars and celebrities are its fans.

Steve Jobs, the founder of apple, took it as a compulsory course for daily stress reduction.

Once he insisted on it, it was 38 years; After the divorce of supermodel Miranda Kerr, she began to fall in love with meditation and rely on it to get out of depression; After NBA star Kobe Bryant retired, he took yoga meditation as a physical and mental repair practice, which is required every day; Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton and Schwarzenegger are also enthusiasts, which are used to calm the brain and guide decision-making Harvard University has also proved that meditation for 5 minutes is equivalent to deep sleep for 1 hour.

People who persist for a long time will also change their brains:   The hippocampus becomes larger → the memory is better and the amygdala becomes smaller → the stress and anxiety are reduced and the prefrontal cortex becomes thicker → the concentration and decision-making are better and the neurons in the brain stem are more developed → the sleep is better and the mood is stable.

After experiencing the benefits of yoga meditation, I seem to have found an antidote and treasure.

So I simply followed David, the outstanding disciple of Paul Grilley, the founder of Yin Yoga   Kim began to systematically study yoga meditation and delve into anatomy and human structure.

He also obtained the certified teacher qualification of the national Yoga Alliance and the Yin Yoga teacher qualification of the United States yogawise.

After reading nearly 100 books translated from Taiwan and foreign languages, it got out of control.

▼ some of the books I read, regular yoga, and after meditation, I also swept away the haze before.

Taking care of my children alone has more busy things every day, but I can have a good sleep and look good, and deal with every trifle with ease.

As a partner of culture company, I can always make correct decisions calmly and rationally.

Now, he has been communicating with Nobel laureate Mo Yan, writer A Cheng, Ma Boyong and other literary leaders all the year round.

Wu Sheng, a financial writer, also said that he was very happy for me to see that I found my inner gentle power and got salvation from meditation..

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