New Yoga Life

[daily lesson] – Yoga Bodhisattva Precepts episode 7

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Yoga Bodhisattva Precepts.

In the seventh class, the lawyer gave a lecture on “Yoga Bodhisattva Precepts” on June 19, 2021.

Monk compassion, bhikkhu Dade, nun sister, Shami and lay, good morning! Amitabha.

Please open page 7 of the handout book.

The total page is page 19 and page 7.

Once, in the process of preaching the Dharma, the Buddha returned by a watermelon garden.

The weather was very hot and I felt a little thirsty, so I called Ananda to go to the watermelon garden and ask the melon farmers who were farming to make a watermelon to quench their thirst.

Ananda got the Buddha’s instruction and went to the melon garden.

When he began to make love to the melon farmer, he scolded Ananda and drove him out of the melon garden.

The Ananda returned to the Buddha without face and told the Buddha the situation.

At this time, the Buddha called the great kayah venerable and said that you should go and melt a watermelon with him to quench your thirst.

Strange to say, as soon as the Lord kayah arrived, the melon farmer was very happy, very polite and respectful.

He chose a watermelon and a big watermelon to feed the Lord kayah and brought it back.

Ananda venerable master cannot understand that he is also a monk and a disciple of the Buddha.

Why is there a different treatment? He asked the Buddha to explain this karma.

The Buddha said: there used to be a dead dog.

After it died, the body lay on the roadside.

At that time, a man passed by and smelled the smell of the dead dog.

Oh, the smell was too uncomfortable.

He covered his nose and scolded, “dead dog, it stinks.” Just go.

Then another man came.

He also smelled the smell of the dead dog.

He looked at it.

Alas, it’s a dead dog.

It’s too poor.

No one buried it when it’s dead.

So he had compassion, took a shovel, dug a hole beside the road and buried the body.

When it’s buried, they close their palms respectfully, chant words, pray to it and bless it.

The Buddha said, “the first person who passed by was Ananda, and the second one passed by kayah, kayah’s previous life.

Now this melon farmer’s previous life is the dead dog lying on the roadside and no one buried it.

Because the kayah venerable has formed this good relationship with him, he will have such a return today.” Therefore, it is usually said that before becoming a Buddhist or Taoist, you should first become popular.

Of course, the best way to get married is to get married.

That’s even better.

Like the venerable Sharif who saved the wild dog, his limbs were cut off and wailed.

He was about to die.

He was hungry and injured.

He was about to die.

The venerable Sariputra heard it.

Heaven’s ears heard it.

When he heard it, he quickly went to beg for food and brought him some food.

After eating, he died after saying something for the dog.

The dog died and died.

Later, the so-called JunTi Shami took care of him all his life.

He vowed to take care of Sariputra instead of receiving the great precepts.

This dharma is even better.

Therefore, it is also very important for Bodhisattva to form good and Dharma bonds with all sentient beings.

Last time we talked about the second commandment “the law of saving money”.

The commandment itself told us in the handout.

What shall we explain next? As we mentioned earlier, in fact, each precept in this precept should be committed by fate.

Only when it is committed by fate can there be the difference between light and heavy.

Therefore, we say this “committed by fate” according to the Vatican net Sutra.

First, “all living beings”.

There is the realm of top grade, middle grade and bottom grade.

This top-grade realm, parents, teachers and monks; Middle grade, all human days; Inferior, the other four interesting beings.

Among them, there are those who have been warned and those who have been warned.

You should cherish your wealth and Dharma, which will be a serious crime; Those who don’t quit are light offenders.

Again, the second “thought of all sentient beings”.

Clearly know, the heart also knows that this is someone who has been warned.

Again, the third “stingy heart”.

Stingy, stingy, not only that, but also to destroy and humiliate, bad thoughts.

Again, the fourth “show frugality”.

It shows the Buddha Dharma of sparing money and property and insulting it.

Or hide things; Or when people ask the Dharma, they say I don’t know anything, that is, I refuse each other.

If you do it yourself or teach people to do it for yourself, you will make mistakes.

Then, the fifth “previous understanding”.

When the other party receives it, he knows that you will not give me property or explain the Dharma for me.

You may be beaten, scolded or insulted.

With the manifestation of karma, every pile is a sin; With the insulting words spoken in the language industry, every sentence is a sin.

Therefore, every matter, every matter, every sentence, every sentence, every sentence, this fault is many, many.

So this is very bad.

So how to fix it? How to treat such a trouble? Let’s look at this schedule, “schedule 5”, page 6 of the supplementary information.

Attached table 5 is an excerpt from master fazang’s Bodhisattva Precepts.

“There are ten kinds of governance practitioners.” It is said that practicing the law of governing frugality and cherishing wealth can be explained in ten ways.

First, “thinking about yourself and your possessions is a method of impermanence and erasure.

Once it is destroyed, it will not be beneficial to save it.” Let’s think about our bodies and all the external possessions we have.

Looking inward, our bodies have birth, old age and death; From the perspective of external thinking, we can see that these properties we have also become and live in bad space, so they are all the laws of impermanence and extinction.

Now the temporary karma aggregation can benefit us, but in the end, the karma will dissipate and disappear..

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