Adhere to 60 seconds of “Yoga tiptoe” every day, so many changes have taken place in the body!

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We often hear a sentence: People’s old legs decline first.

First, the legs are farthest from our heart, and the blood reflux speed is the slowest.

Moreover, if the legs are weak, it will also cause various knee pain problems.

Today, we recommend a health preservation action to everyone, that is, tiptoe.

What are the benefits of sticking to tiptoe every day? 01.

Thin legs often stand on tiptoe, which can stimulate the legs more, accelerate the blood circulation of the legs and effectively reduce the leg fat.


There is a connecting line from the kidney to the tiptoe.

Often practicing tiptoe can massage the three yin meridians to dredge the kidney meridians and nourish the kidney.


Strengthening ankle tiptoe can also be called heel lifting exercise.

Often tiptoe can enhance the stability of ankle joint, especially for people with flat feet.


Avoid lower limb fat accumulation caused by sedentary.

For long-term sedentary people, they should practice tiptoe at ordinary times, which can accelerate blood circulation and reduce leg fat accumulation.

Recommend three tiptoe poses for everyone to practice every day! 01.

Phantom chair type stand on tiptoe, mountain type stand and inhale, extend the spine and exhale, bend the hips and knees, squat down, stand on tiptoe, and maintain 5-8 breaths 02.

Tiptoe type kneel on both knees, cover the land on tiptoes, keep the heels together, sit on the heels with the hips together, and stay for 1 minute 03.

Goddess mountain type, separate the legs, lengthen the legs, inhale slightly from the knees, and exhale on tiptoe, Squat first, then stand on tiptoe, static stay for 5-8 breaths, practice 3 times, 60 minute treasure Yoga sequence, strengthen strength as a whole, don’t miss it! Yoga people must punch in five tourist holy places.

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