A collection of 23 classic yoga postures! Each can heal the body!

There are thousands of kinds of yoga, extending different kinds of yoga postures.

Of course, different yoga postures also have different effects on us.

Among our common yoga postures, how much do you know about the effects of these postures? Today, I sorted out the function introduction corresponding to 23 common postures to help you better understand yoga and be your own healer ~ (the article is a little long, it is recommended to collect first) 1 mountain Style Introduction: most people can’t stand well balanced on their legs, resulting in some avoidable diseases.

Mountain pose is the cornerstone of other asanas.

Practicing this asana can give you a sense of stability, strength, tranquility and stability.

Benefits: 1.

Correct bad posture by stretching the spine; 2.

It is the adjustment and homing of each part of the body; 3.

Prevent the aging of spine, legs and feet caused by aging; 4.

Strengthen hip muscles.


Introduction to triangular stretching: by practicing triangular stretching, you will learn to move from material body to physiological body, and activate organs, glands and nervous system by controlling the movement of limbs.

It can also strengthen ligaments and improve the flexibility of the body.

Benefits: 1.

Reduce gastritis, dyspepsia, excessive gastric acid and flatulence; 2.

Enhance spinal flexibility and relieve back pain; 3.

Shoulder adjustment and homing is helpful to cure neck sprain; 4.

Massage and strengthen the pelvic area, strengthen the ankle; 5.

Relieve menstrual discomfort.

3 Introduction to the second form of Warrior: regular practice of this pose will help to cultivate your strength and endurance.

The steps of this pose not only make the limbs and trunk get more intensive exercise, but also reduce the stiffness of the neck and shoulders.

It also makes your knees and hips more flexible.

Benefits: 1.

Respiratory system, improve respiratory ability by expanding chest; 2.

Musculoskeletal system, which is helpful to treat intervertebral disc herniation; 3.

Alleviate health problems caused by fracture, fusion or deviation of coccyx; 4.

Reduce fat around the hips and relieve lower back pain.

4 Introduction to triangular side stretching: in this pose, you get high-intensity stretching on both sides of your body from one toe to the other finger.

When practicing this pose, pay attention to maintaining the absolute stability of your body.

Benefits: 1.

Respiratory system, improve vital capacity; 2.

Circulatory system, strong myocardium; 3.

Nervous system, reduce the pain caused by sciatica and arthritis; 4.

Digestive system, improve digestion and help waste discharge out of the body; 5.

Musculoskeletal system, reduce waist and hip fat.

Introduction to strengthening side extension: the chest of this pose gets high-intensity extension.

Regular practice of this pose can stimulate and strengthen the kidneys.

Once you are very comfortable in the final position, you can feel this effect.

This pose helps to eliminate the stiffness of shoulder, neck and elbow joints.

Benefits: 1.

The nervous system makes the brain calmer and calms the nerves; 2.

Musculoskeletal system to relieve arthritis of shoulder, neck, elbow and wrist; 3.

Circulatory system, strengthen abdominal organs, improve digestion, strengthen liver and spleen; 4.

Reproductive system, reduce dysmenorrhea.


Introduction to downward dog pose: this pose is very helpful for runners because it can eliminate the stiffness of heels and make your legs strong and flexible.

When you feel tired, you can stay in this pose for one minute to recover your energy.

Downward dog pose gently activates your nervous system, so practicing this pose regularly can refresh your whole body.

Benefits: 1.

The nervous system can calm the brain and gently activate the nerves; 2.

Circulatory system to relieve heart rate; 3.

Skeletal muscle system, reduce the stiffness of scapula and improve shoulder arthritis; 4.

Strengthen ankles and legs, relieve heel pain; 5.

Slow down excessive menstruation, which helps to prevent “hot flashes” in menopause.

7 introduction to strengthening the stretching style of anterior curvature of the spine: in this posture, the spine is carefully and strongly stretched.

Practicing this posture helps to eliminate physical and mental fatigue and recover vitality.

This posture can help people who are prone to anxiety or depression, because it revitalizes the spinal nerves and brain cells, and it can also slow down the heartbeat.

Benefits: 1.

The nervous system can relieve physical and mental fatigue; 2.

Circulatory system, slow down the heart rate; 3.

Digestive system, strengthen liver, spleen and kidney, relieve stomach pain; 4.

Reproduction, reduce abdominal and back pain during menstruation.


Introduction to the first warrior pose: this pose is based on the warrior pose and is an enhanced version of the second warrior pose.

This powerful pose can strengthen the spine and improve the flexibility of knees and thighs.

The high-intensity extension of the arm expands the chest muscles and enhances lung capacity.

Benefits: 1.

Musculoskeletal system, strong back muscles and abdominal muscles; 2.

The nervous system relieves back pain, low back pain and sciatica; 3.

The digestive system can reduce excessive gastric acid and improve digestion; 4.

The genitourinary system can strengthen the bladder, correct uterine prolapse, relieve dysmenorrhea and reduce the phenomenon of excessive menstruation; (it is recommended not to practice during menstruation) 9 introduction to hand combat posture: hand combat posture is the basic sitting posture that is afraid of forward bending posture.

Practicing it regularly can improve sitting posture.

In this pose, the legs are relaxed, so it is recommended for patients with knee arthritis, ankle arthritis or rheumatism.

Benefits: 1.

The respiratory system can alleviate the symptoms of dyspnea, asphyxia and throat blockage of asthmatic patients; 2.

Musculoskeletal system, strengthen chest and abdominal muscles, improve sagging abdominal wall, strengthen spine and leg muscles, and stretch leg ligaments; 3.

Digestive system, reduce heartburn and flatulence.

10 heroic introduction: in this pose, you are imitating the sitting posture of a warrior.

Regular practice of this pose helps to develop strength and endurance..

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