90% of people ignore the three most common mistakes of yoga “inclined board”

On the way of yoga, you can strengthen the strength of your arms, back, abdomen, core and legs by paying attention to the practice of inclined plate on the way of yoga.

Sticking to it for 1-2 minutes every day can slowly strengthen the strength of your body! However, it is not easy to do the right thing for the simple inclined plate.

Today, make a list of the three most common mistakes in practicing inclined plank to see if you have ever made such a situation.

The most common mistake in the inclined plate ↓↓ mistake 1: the palm does not exert force.

When many people practice the inclined plate, the palm does not exert sufficient force and the fingers do not fully open, which is not conducive to starting the power of the whole arm.

The correct method should be to spread the five fingers and compact the palm down, especially the position of the tiger’s mouth, So as to start the strength of the forearms and even the big arms.

Error 2: waist collapse.

If the core is not started, the hips will fall down.

In another case, although the hips are upward, the pelvis turns forward, and the waist still collapses.

The correct method should be to keep the hips in line with the body, rotate the pelvis backward, and start the core error 3: the cervical spine looks up under excessive pressure, It will cause tension and pressure on the back of the cervical spine.

You should keep the back of the cervical spine extended and keep the cervical spine and spine in a straight line.

Do these points well.

You will find that it is not easy to make a standard inclined plate.

It is even more difficult to keep it for 1-2 minutes.

It is recommended to stick to it every day! ▼ teacher wechat ▼ recent good articles ▼ today’s preferred Yoga people are watching..

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