9 yoga postures are very effective in improving shoulder and neck pain!

Due to the needs of work, modern people work at their desk for a long time, which will inevitably lead to shoulder and neck pain, dizziness and brain swelling, which will not only affect the work efficiency, but also do great harm to the body.

Today, I recommend 9 yoga moves to you.

You can practice them at your desk, especially for office people! 01 sit and stand on the chair with your big and small legs vertical, your hands clasped with ten fingers, turn your palms outward to inhale, sit upright and sit high, push your palms far away to exhale, relax your shoulders, keep 5-8 breaths away from your ears, exchange the position of your fingers 02 from action 1, raise your hands on your inhaled arms, face the ceiling with your palms, buckle your fingers and exhale, sink your shoulders to find the spine for the neck space and navel, Hold 5-8 breaths downward at the end of the sternum, exchange the position of fingers 03 sit sideways on the chair, lift the right hand up close to the ear, bend the right elbow, press the palm against the back to exhale, deepen the range of the left hand and the right hand to maintain 5-8 breaths, change the opposite side exercise 04 sit on the chair, stand upright with the spine up, put both hands on both sides of the body, naturally relax and inhale, and shrug your shoulders up to the highest point to exhale, Quickly relax your shoulders and breathe downward.

Repeat 5-8 times.

05 sit sideways on the chair, straighten your spine, put your hands behind your back, hold your left wrist with your right hand, inhale and extend your spine, exhale your head to the right, pull your left hand down to the right, sit down with your left hip and keep 5-8 breaths.

Practice on the opposite side.

06 sit sideways on the chair, straighten your spine, close your hands in front of your chest, and keep your palms close to each other to keep a deep breath, Turn your fingertips downward to cooperate with breathing.

Practice dynamically for 5-8 times.

07 sit sideways on the chair, inhale straight, lift your left hand up, exhale high with your fingertips upward, bend your body to the right, lengthen your side waist, keep your fingertips on your right hand down, compact your left hip, and keep the chair for 5-8 breaths.

Practice on the opposite side 08 sit sideways, sit upright, inhale high, extend your spine, exhale, twist your hands to the right and put them on the table or the back of the chair, Help deepen the range.

With each exhalation, twist more, keep 5-8 breaths, restore and change the opposite side.

09 sit and stand in the chair, the hips are close to the back of the chair, the hands are clasped, the palm holds the back of the head to inhale, the chest is lifted up, the elbows open to the side, exhale and bend back, and the palm and head fight to keep 5-8 breaths.

How about restoration? Are these postures very effective in improving shoulder and neck pain! Copyright belongs to the creator.

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