New Yoga Life

7 simple yoga postures, flexible spine, the younger you live!

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Sedentary friends say that the waist is uncomfortable.

This situation is related to the poor flexibility of the spine.

Once the flexibility of the spine becomes poor, it will bring a lot of harm.

Repeated pain in the shoulder, neck and waist is the representative! Today, I recommend 7 simple movements, flexible spine.

Please keep 8 breaths in each pose and practice alternately on both sides! 1.

In the cat cow pose, hold your hands and knees on the ground, enter the cat cow pose, inhale, raise your head, extend your spine section by section, exhale upward, lower your head, bow your back with your chest, slightly retract your core, and repeat for 8-10 times 2 In downward dog pose, the shoulders are away from the ears, the forearm is rotated outward, the core is retracted slightly, and the spine is extended for 3 Standing forward flexion withdraw from downward dog pose, move your legs to the middle of your hands, enter standing forward flexion, support the wronged core, and tighten 4 In crescent pose, take a step back on your right leg, straighten your hips, inhale, and extend your hands up your spine for 5 Pigeon back to downward dog, right leg forward, lower leg parallel to hip spine as far as possible, extend 6 Sit and twist, inhale, bend the left leg to the outside of the right leg, bend the right leg to the knee, extend the heel close to the hip spine, exhale and deepen the torsion range by 7 Lie on your back and relax.

Finally, lie on your back on the yoga mat, relax your body and mind, stretch your eyebrows, fall on your shoulders, and stay for 5 minutes.

Practice the simple posture carefully, so that time can witness the nourishment of the spine brought by deliberate practice.

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