New Yoga Life

5 Yoga eating skills to keep you 60 years old!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Yoga is a whole-body exercise.

It is not only beneficial to physical health, reduce body fat rate, help lose weight and improve the quality of life, but also conducive to psychological decompression and improve happiness, so as to benefit the body and mind.

During yoga training, in addition to learning correct yoga postures and strengthening practice, how to eat is also a knowledge.

Today, let’s give you a wave of popular science “how should we eat during yoga training?”, Let’s learn about it ~ before and after yoga class, eat or not? It is recommended not to eat or drink anything 2 hours before practice.

If the stomach is too full, it will bring discomfort.

In addition, twisting, inversion and extrusion at various angles will bring serious indigestion.

If you find that your blood sugar is low before class because you are too long from the last meal, or you are used to practicing in bed, you can eat some light food that can quickly replenish your blood sugar: fruit, almond butter, tea or a small bottle of yogurt.

It is recommended to avoid drinking water during the exercise.

In addition to frequently going to the bathroom, it will also lead to the interruption of practice.

One of the purposes of Dynamic Yoga is to produce “heat” in the body.

This “heat” can help you overcome interference and burn fat during practice.

Drinking water will put out the “heat”, so instead of reaching for water to drink, it’s better to let the heat rise and excrete more toxins.

After yoga practice, you can eat dinner after class, but don’t eat immediately after class, otherwise it will easily lead to nausea and vomiting.

Let the body relax before eating.

Trying to start vegetarian yoga will bring subtle changes to all aspects of our body and mind, and diet is no exception.

If you’ve never tried to be a vegetarian and are curious, there’s no better time than now.

Yoga’s emphasis on exercise can reduce our demand for greasy and indigestible foods, such as red meat.

And ordinary people often find it hard to resist the desire for meat! Therefore, you can start by appropriately reducing the frequency of eating meat, join the ranks of activities such as “please be vegetarian on Monday”, and then see how your body reacts.

Alcohol and yoga alcohol can be consumed during yoga training.

After all, training without playing will only make us boring yoga practitioners.

There is nothing wrong with having a good night with friends.

In addition, yoga practice can also alleviate dizziness, brain swelling, blurred vision and other phenomena caused by hangover.

In the first 20 minutes, you may feel very bad, but please hold on a little! Once you get through this uncomfortable time, you will sweat a lot, all kinds of twisting will wring out the water in your body, and you will feel fresh and transparent at the end.

Once you have formed the habit of regular practice, you will begin to consciously control yourself and reduce your alcohol intake, because you know that the state of heavy burnout will prevent you from completing those challenging postures smoothly.

Consciously eating many people eat blindly and mechanically: open your mouth, stuff food, chew food, swallow, and repeat.

Most of the time, they are unaware of the food itself, where the food comes from and what ingredients it contains.

You should avoid this situation, especially when eating meat.

Because most of the meat on the market is fed by feed and fertilizer.

You can choose to buy meat from non GM animals that do not eat antibiotics, hormones and other drugs because these animals grow up in a healthier environment.

Check the food packaging to make sure it is marked with organic certification from a professional organization.

A fresh start.

Whether you are a meat lover or a vegan or an egg vegan, there is more information about what to eat now than ever to help you make wise choices.

Once you’re ready to start eating consciously to match your yoga practice, it’s wise to clean up your past habits to meet new changes.

A popular method now is to make a relatively simple detoxification juice, which can supplement most of the nutrients required by the body, clean up the body and make you more energetic at the same time.

All fruits, vegetables and herbs can be used as raw materials and can be selected in a variety of combinations.

Juice detoxification is recommended to be carried out for 3-10 days.

It is best to start this detoxification method by increasing the intake of fresh raw vegetables and fruits, and then gradually increase other foods.

When making fruit juice, pay attention to the sugar content and avoid excessive sugar and calories.

It should be noted that this does not mean that you only eat fruit juice instead of other foods.

Here is a 3-day detoxification recipe to guide you away from over processed and sugary foods.

Let’s have a look ~ the first day breakfast, lunch, dinner, smoothie asparagus soup, spinach salad, vegetable eggs, ham free snacks, bedtime drinks, cool cucumber salad, a cup of vegetables with dip sauce, a cup of mixed berries, the next day breakfast, lunch, dinner, smoothie raw tomato basil soup, a cup of delicious salmon with Sesame Salad Quinoa snack bedtime drink steamed artichokes with lemon dip sauce fully cooked or loose boiled eggs smoothie breakfast, lunch and dinner on the third day smoothie sweet potato soup, kale salad crunchy salad, Dr.

King’s green thick soup snack bedtime drink a cup of vegetables with dip sauce smoothie a cup of mixed berries.

After you’ve seen them, order and go 👍。.

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