New Yoga Life

16 yoga moves, abdominal exercises, give you vest line and core strength!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! In yoga practice, there are many exercises that require a certain foundation of abdominal core strength.

If the abdomen is fat and weak, it will be compensated by other forces, such as shoulders and arms, which will lead to excessive strength of the arms or stiffness of the shoulders.

Today, I recommend 16 abdominal strength exercises for you.

For the exercise of abdominal muscles, you can quickly exercise to your abdomen, strengthen your core strength, and let you have a vest line! 16 exercises to strengthen core strength: action 1 Sit up, lift your legs, bend your knees, extend your hands forward and retract your core Exhale, straighten your legs, and lower your upper body back but not to the ground Inhale, sit up and repeat action 2 10 times Sit up, lift your feet off the ground, and bend your legs together Clasp your fingers and exhale alternately to both sides close to the ground Repeat 10 groups of action 3: Sit up, lift your feet and bend your legs together Put your hands back on the ground Exhale, bend your elbows, back your upper body and straighten your legs forward Repeat 10 groups of action 4: Sit up with your upper body back and your elbows on the ground Bend your knees and stretch your insteps Alternate feet on the ground Repeat 10 groups of action 5: Lie on your back with your hands on both sides of your head Straighten your right leg, bend your left leg, and touch your left knee with your right elbow Alternating left and right, do 10 groups of action 6: Lie on your back, bend your knees and step on the ground with your feet Put your hands on the back of your head and clasp your fingers Exhale, roll your belly, lift your shoulders, inhale and fall Repeat 10 times action 7: Lie on your back, bend your knees, lift your feet off the ground and stretch your insteps Put your hands on the back of your head and clasp your fingers Exhale, roll your belly, lift your shoulders, inhale and fall Repeat 10 times action 8: Lie on your back, bend your knees and step on the ground with your feet Put your hands on the back of your head and clasp your fingers Exhale, lift your right leg and touch your left elbow with your right knee Practice alternately and repeat action 9 10 times Lie on your back, hands on your sides, palms down Exhale and straighten your legs forward off the ground Inhale, lift your legs up, lift your hips off the ground, and bend your knees slightly Repeat 10 actions Lie on your back, hands on your sides, palms down Bend your legs forward and touch your toes Inhale, lift your legs up, lift your hips off the ground, and bend your knees slightly Repeat 10 sets of actions 11: Lie on your back, bend your knees and step on the ground with your feet Lift your shoulders straight forward, hands straight away The soles of both hands and feet touch the same ankle Repeat 10 sets of actions 12: Lie on your back with your right leg straight up and your left leg straight forward Alternate your legs up and down Repeat 10 groups of actions 13: Come to the elbow support and turn your hips left and right Practice alternately and repeat 10 groups of actions 14: Come to the side elbow board, support the ground with your right small arm, land on the outside of your right foot, and put your left foot on the inside of your right foot The left hand extends upward Keep 10 breaths for 15 times From the side elbow board, fork your left hand at the waist Exhale right hip down close to the ground, inhale and lift Repeat 10 groups of actions 16: Come to the inclined plate, exhale, bend the right knee forward, close to the back of the left arm Inhale back to the ramp, exhale, bend the left knee forward, near the back of the right arm Repeat 10 groups of core abdominal strength exercises need to be persistent.

It is recommended to practice every day to slowly strengthen the core strength and reduce the waist circumference! After you’ve read it, you can watch it before you go 👍。.

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