New Yoga Life

15 yoga poses before bed to relax body and mind, reduce pressure and help sleep!

To relieve anxiety and insomnia, yoga is a good choice.

Stretch continuously and gently, breathe slowly and steadily, and move slowly between postures instead of rushing in and out.

Controlled breathing will stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system and make your body and mind deeply relaxed.

The next pose takes about 30 minutes.

You can also choose several specific poses.

No matter which you choose, don’t forget your last rest posture, corpse spreading posture.

It will absorb the benefits of practice and prepare for sleep.

Accessories: yoga bricks, blankets and cushions warm up: start with baby pose for 1 minute (10-15 breaths) lizard pose | start with dog pose for 1 minute on each side, put your left foot forward between your hands and your right knee on the ground.

Place your elbows on a yoga brick or floor.

Maintain 10-15 breaths.

Then practice on the other side.

Locust | 1 minute prone.

Place a folded blanket under your hips.

Clasp your hands behind your back, or lift your arms and bend your elbows.

Exhale and press your toes into the ground.

Inhale and lift your chest and arms.

Stare ahead.

Maintain 10-15 breaths.

Stand and bend forward for 1 minute mountain standing.

The feet are hip width apart and the knees are slightly bent.

Exhale and stretch down, head down.

Hug each other’s elbows or put them on both sides of your feet.

Stay here for 10-15 breaths.

Double angle | stand for 1 minute with feet separated and toes turned slightly inward.

Inhale and lift your chest.

Exhale, fold forward from your hips, put your hands on the mat, and bend your elbows.

You can also put your hands behind your back.

Maintain 10-15 breaths.

One leg head to knee pose | sit on the mat for 1 minute on each side, with your legs straight.

The palm of the left foot rests on the inner side of the right thigh, exhale, fold forward the right leg, and put the forehead on the Yoga brick.

Maintain 10-15 breaths.

Then practice on the other side.

Sit and bend forward for 1 minute, sit on a folded blanket and straighten your legs.

Exhale, fold forward, keep your spine extended, grab your feet or calves, bend your elbows, and relax your arms.

Put your forehead on the Yoga brick.

Maintain 10-15 breaths.

Supine angle pose | sit up for 2 minutes, place a cushion at the bottom of the sacrum, and then place a folded blanket at the distal end.

Bend your knees with the soles of your feet opposite.

Lie on your back on the pillow cushion and rest your head on the blanket so that your head is higher than your heart.

Relax your legs, shoulders and neck.

Stay here for 10-15 breaths.

Angle sitting | sit down on each side for 1 minute with your legs open.

Put a yoga brick on the inner side of the right calf.

Inhale to lengthen the spine.

Exhale, lean forward, gently twist your chest to your right leg, put your fingertips or hands on the mat, and put your forehead on the Yoga brick.

Keep breathing for 5 times.

Inhale and lift up slowly.

Practice the supine heroic pose on the other side for 3 minutes.

If you have tight waist or pain, or any tenderness in your knee, please skip this position.

Sit on your heels and place a cushion at the bottom of your sacrum.

The ankles are wider than the hips and sit between them.

Slowly lean against the pillow cushion and support your head with a blanket.

Maintain 30-45 breaths.

Supine hand grasping toe extension | lie on your back for 1 minute on each side, big toes together.

Inhale, lift your right leg and hold the back of your thigh.

Lean your thighs against your hands until you feel tension instead of tension.

Keep breathing 5-10 times.

Then practice on the other side.

Lie on your back for 1 minute.

Bend your knees, feet hip width apart, inhale, and lift your pelvis.

Put a yoga brick under the sacrum and put your weight on the Yoga brick.

Put your arms on the ground and lift your chest.

Maintain 10-15 breaths.

Stretch your legs against the wall for 3 minutes, sit down against the wall, then lie back slowly, put your back on the ground, and lean your legs against the wall.

Keep your hips as close to the wall as possible.

Relax your legs to the wall and put your arms on your sides with your palms up.

Maintain 30-45 breaths.

Sit up and twist for 1 minute, sit on the blanket and cross your ankles.

Inhale and lift the spine, then exhale, placing your left hand on the outside of your right knee.

Place your right hand on the floor behind you for support.

Inspiratory lengthening; Exhale to make the twist deeper.

Maintain 10-15 breaths.

Then practice on the other side.

Easy sitting | 3 minutes easy sitting starts, close your eyes and adjust the rhythm of breathing.

Inhale to lengthen the spine; Exhale and compact your hips.

Put your hands on your knees and touch your index fingers and thumbs.

Corpse spreading pose | lie on your back for 4 minutes, with your legs and arms on both sides of your body.

You can put a cushion under your knees and put the folded blanket under your head.

Let your body weight sink into the mat and focus on breathing.

Keep exhaling slowly…

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