New Yoga Life

10 yoga poses drive away negative emotions and strengthen the heart

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Every adult’s life is not so easy.

After all, everyone has his own difficulties, troubles and difficulties to face.

Life is full of challenges and difficulties.

You may sometimes have depression, self doubt, procrastination and depression.

Try these 10 postures, you can get rid of bad emotions, so as to obtain joy, satisfaction, freedom and internal energy! 01 lie on your back, put your hands on your side, inhale with your palms down, close your abdomen, lift your left leg vertically to exhale, drop your left leg, and alternately do 02 lie on your back, straighten your legs and inhale forward, bend your left knee, you can simultaneously lift your right arm over your head to exhale, straighten your left leg, and drop your right arm alternately to fully activate the navel wheel energy 03 dog pose with your thumbs touching each other, push your hands to the ground and extend your back, The sitting bone is pushed up, the thigh root is pushed back, the heel is stepped down, the eyes look between the feet, keep 04 prone, put the hand under the shoulder, open the five fingers, push the hand to the ground, lift the chest, open the clavicle, press the instep down, slightly bend the elbow and shoulders to relax, effectively bring energy to the spine 05.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, open your feet, intersect ten fingers the same width as the hip, put them behind your head, inhale, and lift your shoulders off the ground, Navel adduction, keep breathing, exhale, shoulder and head down 06 lie on your back, inhale on both sides, drive your back off the ground, keep your arms off the ground, keep your feet off the ground, chin adduction, look at your toes, keep breathing 07 lie on your back, put your hands on your side, inhale, bend your left knee, raise your arms over your head and exhale, keep your left legs and arms down on the opposite side 08 lie on your stomach, bend your knees, hold your ankles with your hands, Spread your shoulders backward, inhale, lift your lower legs upward, lift your upper body, lift your legs off the ground, open your chest, relax your neck, exhale, fall down, 09 kneel and stand, align your knees with your hips, press your insteps against the ground, push your hips forward, rotate your thoracic vertebrae upward, rotate your shoulders outward, put your hands against the back of your heels and neck, extend your knees for 10, put your legs together or separate, and put your feet together, Sit on your hips and heels, put your hands on your side, inhale, extend your spine, exhale, relax and sink your forehead to the ground.

What people fear most is not physical fatigue, but physical and mental fatigue, not the drag of bad things, but the collapse of emotions! To learn to deal with their own bad emotions, know that no matter how hard the day is, don’t forget to add some sugar to yourself, give yourself positive energy and give yourself a reason to be happy.

No matter how hard the day is, remember to find your heart and soul in yoga! The contents of the official account indicate that the copyright is owned by all the original sources (which can not verify the copyright or do not indicate the source)..

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