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Month: March 2022

Many women dream that the wrinkles on their faces disappear overnight and their skin looks younger, but their dreams are always beautiful. The wrinkles are

In yoga practice, waist collapse is a typical manifestation of insufficient core strength. Good core strength can help us stabilize the spine and pelvis and

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! A woman’s pelvic cavity is comparable to a woman’s second face! For many office

There are many reasons why you can’t sleep at night. You may think too much, or you may feel uncomfortable. Yoga can solve these problems.

Morning and dusk depend on each other, and the four seasons are happy. This Valentine’s day, you need a yoga love song. The three-step chapters

Adhere to regular yoga practice, enhance the body’s adaptability to various indicators, improve resistance and reduce the occurrence of diseases. Be a healthy beauty. The

Howcanyoga helpusovercomeCovid-19? – how does yoga help us overcome the new crown—— Namaste, mydearfriends! ManypeoplefromaroundtheworldhavereturnedtomemanytimesaskingmyviewsandmyexperiencesindealingwiththeCoronacrisis,especiallyapplyingthetoolsofyoga,andthey’veaskedmetomakeasetofvideosonthistopic. SothisseriesisabouthowyogacanhelpwiththeCoronacrisis,theCoronasituation,sohere’sthefirstvideo,mydearfriends. Namaste, dear friends! Friends from all over the world repeatedly

“The main way to practice yoga is to push out the chest.” in the wheel, the strength of legs and arms serves the extension of

With the development of electronic technology, people of our generation often hear words like high and low shoulders, long and short legs and high and