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Month: January 2022

Whether you are a yoga Xiaobai or an old Yoga bird, the warm-up before yoga is essential. The warm-up is very important, especially in cold

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Whyisyoganottakenseriously?— DividedWeFall. Why is Yoga not taken seriously—— Differences among different genres , translation by , Xia Yuyi, Namaste, mydearfriends! Todaywearecontinuingonourexplorationofwhythecommonmanisnottakingyogaasseriouslyasheorsheshould,especiallyintimeslikeourswherewearefortunatethatyogaisreallyreallypopular. TodayweexploredtheeighthreasonwhichIcalldividedwefall. Namaste, dear friends!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! When is the best age for Yoga? I’m in my 50s. Is it still

Isha yoga is suitable for anyone. It is not taught as a sport, but to help people gain control of their mind and body and

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! When practicing yoga, beginners often ask a question, that is, what yoga actions are

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! For yoga beginners, at the beginning of practice, yoga teachers will require complete barefoot,

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Yoga teacher is an enviable profession. She can make many students beautiful, happy, confident