Yogi’s theory of earth, Ke Ju Phi Xun, Volume 12

The 12th Maitreya Bodhisattva said that the monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty was instructed to translate Han Qingjing Keji.

This place is divided into the middle three, the sixth two, Xin three, the meaning of the various phases of the practice.


Ren one, levy and repeat.

Why do you think the meaning of the various phases of the practice? Ren 2, Shi 2, GUI 1, can do four things, 3 son 1, mark that is to do meaning in each other.

[those who practice the meaning of all the phases: as mentioned earlier, all the thirty-two phases are photographed by the edge, which is the name of all the phases.

If they do the meaning of each other, they are the meaning of all the phases they practice.] through thinking, they can do four things.

Second, the list of words means to practice, such as making meaning; It can also cure troubles far away; It can also practice the meaning and surplus of this work, so as to make the later generation more bright and prosperous; That is to say, when we practice this meaning, we will hate the fate, give up all our troubles, and let them be broken and destroyed, so as to keep them away from each other.

Zisan, knot is, so practice is the meaning of all the phases.

[thinking makes it possible to do four things: the difference between the four things is as easy to know as writing.

At the beginning, it is said that practice is like doing meaning, so thinking can truthfully know the known accidents.

At the second time, it is said that far away the other can cure the troubles, so thinking can turn the troubles into far apart.

Among these troubles, it is called sinking and so on, so it is said that words can cure the troubles.

At the second time, it is said that practicing this doing meaning and surplus will make the later life more bright and prosperous.

Doing meaning is the heart, which is called surplus.

Practice is called Tao practice, just like Tao Jinfa, and Tao practices the mind.

Later, it is said that it hates the fate, and even keeps all troubles away from each other.

The sentences in this sentence are explained in the meaning of governance as follows.] GUI 2.

It can enter the six sons of determination 1, enter the cause of determination 3 ugly 1, mark the repetition, from the four causes, into the initial static consideration and even top.

It is called cause force, convenience force, speaking force and teaching force.

Ugly two, with the interpretation 4 Yin one, because of the force cloud, what is the force? It is said to have been in meditation, etc.

[Yun He Yinli and others: this theory starts from the first cultivation force, enters the initial static consideration, and even has the top.

When the other is determined and ready to enter, there is the other fixed phase first.

Therefore, it will be known soon.

When the entry is so determined, it is called adjacent to the meditation, etc.] Yin 2.

Convenient force cloud what convenient force? It is said that although it is not adjacent to meditation, it can enter all fixations by number practice without intermittence.

[Yun He’s convenient for others: this theory is based on the current cultivation force, which can enter all settings and facilitate the practice of numbers all the time.] Yin 3.

Speaking force, Yun He’s talking force? It is said that meditation and other methods of increasing the upper edge have been heard many times and even widely.

That is, according to this method, you can stay alone, be free, be brave and diligent, make your own plans and encourage yourself, live with the Dharma, and then you can enter meditation and other settings.

[Yun He Shuo Li and others: this theory can enter into various definitions according to the law, that is, it is a radical name.

In this way, the law follows the law and practices according to the law.

It is said that if you are asked and received, you are thinking and practicing according to the law.] Yin IV.

Professor Li Yun He Li? It means that there is no upside down Professor, such as being a pro teacher, or being a follower of more than one senior; From then on, the meaning of the trial can only enter meditation and other determinations.

[Professor Yun He Li and others: according to his admonition, the professor can enter all settings, that is, the name is set to follow the faith, which is blunt.

There is no inverted Professor, which means observing green blood stasis and pus, or all actions are impermanent, or all actions are bitter, or all dharmas have no self, etc.] ugly 3.

The result shows that the four observers.

They are called those with cause power, those with convenience power, those with sharp roots, and those with blunt roots.

Zi 2.

Those who get meditation have sexual differences.



First, there are four people who get meditation repeatedly.

First, those who love meditation.

Second, those who see meditation.

Third, those who slow down to meditation.

Fourth, those who suspect meditation.

Ugly 2.

Follow the explanation 4 Yin 1.

Fall in love with meditation 2 Mao 1.

Why does Zheng Yun fall in love with meditation? Mao II.

Interpretation 2.

Chen I.

give a kind of saying that if there is one, first listen to the meditative merits, rather than the other’s convenience.

He always saw the merits of victory, bravery and diligence; From this reason, enter the initial meditation or rest.

Chen 2, out of that love, if you enter already, you will have a taste of love.

[those who fall in love with meditation: it means that if there is one, they are famous for the virtues of meditation, such as joy, wonderful music, silence and inaction.

Instead of hearing that it is like disease, carbuncle and arrow, they do not know how to leave.

It is a name that does not smell the convenience of leaving.

Therefore, they are brave and diligent to enter the other, and they get into the already and have a taste of love.

They are known to fall in love with meditation.] Yin 2.

See 2 Mao 1 Where do you see the meditator? Mao 2.

Interpretation 2 Chen 1.

The category of “if there is one” is mentioned.

From the place of my teacher or other teachers, I can hear that all the world is constant.

If it is convenient to enter the initial quiet consideration and even have a roof, [I can hear that all the world is constant: as has been said before, I have seen it and established it as follows: I and the world are always living, not doing, not changing, and even widely speaking.

(Volume 6, page 15 of the book of Mausoleum) I can get purity, liberation and separation.

According to this view, he is brave and diligent; Because of karma, enter the initial meditation or rest.

Chen 2, Ming PI see 2, Si 1, persistence, etc.

if you enter yourself, you can remember the past many disasters, so you see: I and the world are constant.

I’ve been here since the decision was made.

[those who can get pure Liberation: purity means convenience.

Liberation means trouble.

Liberation means life and death.] second, carry out separation and then review thinking, thinking and essence observation.

Therefore, it should be pure, liberated and separated.

[in the later period, those who think, consider and observe the essence: the meaning shows that the other view is only evil, and can not get purity, liberation and separation.

Therefore, in the later period, they review, consider and observe the essence, which means that they can get purity, liberation and separation.

Seeing the saints of the essence, it is better to prove that the present view has been, and they do not need to observe in the later period.

Righteousness is like understanding the deep and dense scriptures.

Yin 3 Slow down and meditate.

2 Mao Yi, Zheng Yun, why slow down and meditate? Mao 2, Shi 2, Chen 1, raise the type, say if there is one, smell if it is the name of the elders, etc.

enter the initial quiet consideration and even have a top.

Hearing that the matter was over, he gave birth to kauman: since he can enter meditation and other decisions, why should I not enter.

Stop this slow, brave and diligent; From the cause, into the initial meditation and the rest.

Chen 2, show that slow 2, Si 1, plan, etc.

if you enter already, you will have Kaslow.

It is thought that only I can get it.

If it is quiet, I can’t get it.

[it’s said that if you are named the elders, you are called the resident elders.

If you say so, you can take the rest of the sentient ones.

It’s said that among the middle-aged sentient people, if you set up various names, you can say that you are named the elders.] at noon, when you lose sight of him, you will be so slow.

Later, you will meditate, meditate and observe.

[he is so slow and so on: the meaning is obviously based on slowness.

Although all static considerations have been proved, they are not perfect, pure and white, so it is said that he will review, review and observe later.] Yin 4.

Doubt meditation 2 Mao 1.

Zheng Yun, why doubt meditation? Mao II, Shi II, Chen I, cite the type, saying that if there is one, it is dull in nature.

It tastes music, practices extravagance and molds other actions; From this cause, we enter into meditation or rest.

Chen 2.

It is clear that if he doubts that he has entered, he will fix the convenience of diligent practice on the top, so as to obtain the present view of diligent practice in the four holy truths; The nature is dull, so we can’t quickly prove the present view of the holy essence.

Because of this, doubts arise from the rest of the evidence; Based on this doubt, we can get into thinking, thinking and observation.

[based on this doubt, etc.: it means that doubt is the basis.

In all worlds, meditation is accompanied by one to prove all kinds of purity, while in birth meditation is not good at practice, so it is said that it is complex to win into thinking, thinking and essence observation.] Zi 3.

The corresponding grade of love flavor is 3 ugly 1.

The corresponding grade of love flavor is 2 Yin 1.

The corresponding grade of levy is 1.

What kind of love flavor is corresponding to meditation? Yin 2.

Interpretation 2.

Mao 1.

It is said that there are blunt roots, or greed, or many troubles.

He only heard all the merits such as the first quiet thought, and widely said that he fell in love with quiet thought as before.

Mao 2.

Give out the taste of love 2.

Chen 1.

Slightly mark it on the top.

If you can’t leave the reason, you will have the taste of love and love firmly.

[or those with many troubles: they are called greed, anger, stupidity, slowness and thinking about troubles.

All kinds are different.

They should follow the current situation, and they are called many troubles.] Chen 2.

Don’t simplify their love, but speak out; It can love taste, when words are right in.

[the taste they love should be said to be equal: the choice is divided into three parts: slightly from the three-phase, those who practice equal to love equal to taste..

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