New Yoga Life

Yogi’s discourse on Keju Phi Xun Volume 17

Maitreya Bodhisattva said that monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty was instructed to translate Han Qingjing Keji.

The 11th two of the places formed by local Fenzhongsi was not the third.

Stay away from laziness and relaxation.

2 Shenyi always showed that he should be diligent and progressive, always firm and brave, always practice without relaxation, and the five branches should be well settled: this ode shows that the five branches are not relaxed because of being armored, convenience and no retreat, Make your studies pure and unique.

Shen 2.

Those who do not let go of the five branches, that is, what they have done, what they have done, and what they have done.

[those who should be diligent and diligent, often firm and brave: among them, refinement is slightly three-phase.

It means that they are refined by the armour, convenient and no retreat.

If the secondary meaning shows that they have a perfect start, they are always constant and have no bad heart.

They should be known with the meaning of the ode.

They do not let go of the pictures taken by the five branches.

First, they all walk in the front, second, they all walk in the back, third, they all walk in the middle, fourth, they do it earlier, and fifth, they all walk in the time.

If the Bodhisattva is released.

(Volume 40, page 6, Mausoleum Book 3270)] No.


Stay away from taking and receiving greed.

2 Shen 1.

Praise should be hidden from all good, reveal all evil, get all clothes, etc.

both beauty and beauty should be happy, less follow the world affairs, and vice should also turn with it.

Those who receive more merits and virtues and worry about silence and separation: Shen 2.

Explain the two praises, which show that they are far away from family members, greedy and dissatisfied, And stay away from many desires, do not know the foot barrier, learn for some reason, and learn pure.

[when all good things are hidden and all evil things are revealed: in the first two sentences of the ode, it shows that it is impossible to stay away from the greed of family members without becoming a monk.

The second two sentences show that you can stay away from lust and discontent.

It is said that Salmonella is solemn and has less desire to be happy, so you should know it.

The later ode shows that you are away from lust and discontent.

You are a net academic barrier, have less things, less karma and less hope to live.

It is a matter of fame and less following the world.

If you get disadvantages in clothing and food, etc In order to get rid of corruption, he received many merits and virtues from Du.

He heard that the earth did not explain his corresponding knowledge.

(Volume 25, page 19, book of mausoleum 2145)] No.


Loss away from the track.

2 Shen 1.

Praise should have enough authority, take it according to the amount, and finally do nothing to cheat the appearance of authority: Shen 2.

Explain that this praise shows enough authority; Not in front of him; All the people who receive good knowledge and quantity; In order to practice Buddhism, the service life of the capital has been affected; Learn clean.

[those who have full prestige and should measure and receive: those who achieve the track of the prestige road are known as having full prestige.

Those who beg for property and know how to measure and take are known as measuring and receiving.

If they do not take advantage of him, they will always cheat that the roots have no loss, the roots have no movement and the roots are silent, so that he will call them virtuous, give something and do something.

It is a name that will do nothing and cheat the appearance of prestige.

They should know this and say not to cheat the appearance of prestige (6) stay away from evil life and lose money.

2 Shenyi and praising do not speak of real morality, nor do they make him say that although there are some requirements, they are not different.

Those who beg from him, but don’t force and force, and gain by Dharma, have not been lightly destroyed: in the two hymns of Shen II and interpretation, it shows that they are far away from the reason of beautiful words and expressions, the reason of deceitful appearance, the reason of force and force, and turn the profit to the reason of profit, so as to make their learning pure and unique.

[don’t talk about real virtue and don’t make him talk about others: in the first two sentences of the ode, the first two sentences show that he is far away from the beautiful talk and appearance, and the last two sentences show that he is far away from the strange appearance.

It is said that in order to seek clothes and other necessities, although there is no shortage, he is now dressed in bad clothes.

In order to make the net believers, elders, lay people and Brahmans know that there is a lack of money, they should do something.

This is called the strange appearance.

In the second ode, the first two sentences show that he is far away from the strong threat and coercion.

It means that a pure believer, a layman, or a Brahman can’t claim what he wants, or that his property is lacking.

When he can’t ask, even if he is forced, he will talk hard and ask for it.

The latter two sentences show that he is far away from seeking profit.

It means that when his property is lacking and gets bad, he will destroy and discard the obtained property to the almsgiver.

This is a man! A good man A good woman, Fang Ru’s family name and treasure, are extremely inferior and poor, and can benefit.

What a wonderful and pleasant asset.

If you look at that, your family name is noble and rich in treasure.

What is it, but giving is less and inferior than pleasing? It is the name of seeking profit.

All righteousness should be known as heard.

(Volume 22, page 10, 1919)] weiqi, the achievement of Salmonella solemnity 9 Shenyi First, praise those who do not delay the cultivation of interest, and all respect, and do not adhere to opinions, gain and loss: this praise shows that they do not delay the cultivation of interest, respect and respect, and do not adhere to five kinds of evil opinions, which makes their studies pure and unique.

[those who don’t delay the benefit and support and all respect: from the bottom of the world, the merits and solemn virtues of Salmonella are widely displayed.

If they are heard, they will explain the corresponding knowledge.

(Volume 25, page 23, 2162) He said: if there are achievements such as various dharmas, he loves the right dharmas and merits; he is not happy to raise and praise respectfully, nor does he achieve the two evil ideas of gain and loss.

There is no gain in the non Dharma, but there is no loss in the real Dharma.

Now this praise should be interpreted by him.] Shen 2, second praise 2 unitary 1.

Those who do not obey the world, have no righteous literary skills, and do not enjoy the accumulation of livestock, and have no righteous robes and bowls: unitary 2 Interpretation: this song shows that we do not adhere to the causes of evil and the theory of external evil, so as to get rid of obstacles.

It’s made there, and its name is shun the world.

And stay away from delaying interest, raising respect, long robes, bowls, etc.

Learning is pure because of purity.

[those who don’t obey the world without righteousness and literary skills: it is said that those who do things in the world with beautiful literature can correct the corresponding poetics of various words and sentences in the world.

They can avoid, abandon, don’t learn, don’t love, and don’t spread.

They are not happy to store more than long robes and bowls.

Today’s praise of righteousness is allowed to be interpreted.] Shen III and III praise 2 unitary one.

Praising fear increases all troubles and doesn’t pollute the home, In order to purify wisdom, we should be close to the sages and saints: you 2.

Explain this song.

It shows that we should stay away from the causes, be close to the causes, and learn purity.

[those who are afraid of increasing their troubles will not be stained.

They learn to stay at home: it is said that they stay away from the noise at home and increase their troubles.

They live in harmony with the saints and cultivate their wisdom.

This eulogy should be interpreted by the other.] Shen IV and IV ode 2 Youyi.

Praise a friend’s home for fear of sorrow and chaos and can produce bitter troubles.

Only then do they look for those who are far away: youII.


This eulogy shows that if they are close to home, they will have sorrow and disorder, Increasing troubles can be the cause of all suffering.

By being close to him, you can produce all kinds of suffering, and the trouble can be found and removed.

This shows the cause of treatment.

[don’t worry about your friends’ family.

They say: don’t be happy to take care of your friends and relatives.

Don’t let my relatives and friends cause endless disturbances.

If they get bad, they should have all kinds of worries, sorrows, sorrows and annoyances.

When they arise, they will abandon, remove and vomit.

Don’t let me suffer from the causes of the two doubts.

Now this praise is accurate Shen 5.

The fifth song 2 unitary 1.

Praise is not given by faith for fear of harming blisters.

There is no abandonment in the Dharma of the Tathagata: unitary 2.

Interpretation of this song shows that it is not greedy for profit and respect, does not adhere to all evil views, does not falsely receive the gift of faith, does not slander the Dharma, can stay away from the desires of later generations and can produce all evil causes, so it is a pure victory.

[those who are not affected by faith, fear of hurting blisters, etc.: it is said that they will not falsely damage all faith, will not destroy the clean precepts, will not use faith, will not destroy the faith of others, and will not abandon the learning place they have received.

Now this praise should be interpreted.

Those who speak of blisters are just the same as those who speak of pain.

Those who speak of correct Dharma mean that learning place, and the interpretation is more obvious.

When they say this interest, they mean that they can not cultivate courtesy Respect, do not cling to all evil and evil views as the cause, do not falsely receive faith in the present world, and do not slander the right Dharma.

This is the cause, so that you can stay away from greedy desires and evil views in the present afterlife.] Shen VI.

sixth ode 2 unitary 1.

Praise in his sins, which has no function and happiness, often reflect on his mistakes, and know that he has been exposed quickly: unitary 2.

Explain this ode, which shows that he is far away from his intention and seeks to find all the mistakes of others; There is no disorder in self-improvement, and there is often joy; When we know our mistakes truthfully, we show our regret and get rid of them; From this fate, we can learn pure..

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