Yoga “wheel” pushes out the chest. These two details must be mastered!

When doing wheel, there should be two directions.

That is: the chest is lifted up, the hip is lifted up, the top of the spine is connected to the shoulder joint, and the bottom is connected to the pelvis.

1、 Lift up the chest.

When the shoulder joint is opened and the chest is lifted up, the spine extends freely to the top of the head, otherwise it will get stuck there and can’t get through.

If you want to lift your chest up, push your hands straight down, and rotate your arms outward, so that your shoulder blades retract and push your chest out.

When both hands are strong, you can push the ground, keep the chest away from the ground, lengthen the spine and extend the thoracic spine.

If the arm does not have the strength to straighten, there is no way to send the strength from the palm to the shoulder, the shoulder cannot be lifted up, and the chest cannot be extended.

Open the chest ↓ 1.

Lie on your back with your hands raised (brick assisted) and your shoulder blades placed horizontally.

Extend your hands upward and hold the edge of the yoga mat for more than 1 minute.


Practice with the inner elbow clip.

The inner elbow clip can straighten your arms and push down more.

At the same time, it is easier for your chest to push the wheel pose with your palms against the wall, and tie a yoga belt to your arms, Prevent the elbow from opening and keep it for 1 minute.


Lift the pelvis up.

When the pelvis is lifted up, there is more extension space for the lumbar segment, which is helpful to the extension of the whole spine.

To lift the pelvis, start the strength of the legs.

When doing wheel pose, step down on your feet and push on both sides at the same time.

The inner side of your feet must be compacted to start the power of the inner side of your thighs.

When the legs are strong, the lower body is stable and the spine can be extended safely; When your legs are strong, you can give the thoracic spine a strength and push it between your hands.

If you want your legs to be strong, you can’t have eight outside your feet.

If you have eight outside your feet, the strength inside your legs will be lost.

Hip lifting exercise ↓ when doing bridge or wheel pose, clamp a brick on the inner side of the thigh and lift the pelvis for 1 minute.

Today, I compiled a set of warm-up sequence for practicing wheel pose, which can be fully extended from the wrist, arm, chest, groin and front of the thigh.

It is recommended to collect! 01.

It is particularly important to warm up when practicing yoga by moving your wrists.

In particular, when practicing some difficult postures, you must fully warm up to avoid injury.

You need to fully warm up on all four sides of your wrists.


Low lunge + torsion (stretching your groin) from downward dog to low lunge, The left knee feels the full stretch of the front side of the right thigh in front, the left hand grabs the back of the right foot, strengthens the stretching range, and stops for 5-8 breaths.


Low lunge + side bend, maintain the posture of low lunge, inhale, straighten the right hand with the left hand, bend and exhale to the left side, and bend the left hand with the right hand to the right side, inhale, restore, exhale, bend the elbow to both sides, and fully feel the opening of the chest, Stop for 3-5 breaths.

Change from action 03 to left practice 04.

Stretch the front of your thighs.

You can also choose to find a wall or sofa to continue to stretch the front of your thighs, or lie on your back on the ground and strengthen the stretching of the front of the whole body with half breaststroke.

Keep 5-8 breaths and change to the other side 05-06 Dog pose Cobra exit from half breaststroke into dog pose.

Pay attention to the thigh perpendicular to the ground, keep the core tight, slowly feel the chest and armpit close to the ground, stay for 5-8 breaths, exit from small dog pose, lie prone on the mat, put your hands on both sides of your shoulders, inhale and prepare to exhale, slightly retract the core, leave the chest off the ground, feel the extension of the front of the body, and stay for 5-8 breath07 Now turn around and lie on your back on the ground, enter the bridge, bend your knees, the knees are perpendicular to the heels, push your elbows to the ground, feel the chest open, inhale preparation, exhale, tighten the core, lift your hips up, press your hands on the mat, fully feel the stretching of the chest, groin and front of your thighs, and maintain 5-8 breaths 08.

Prepare to enter the wheel pose, and put two yoga mats on the wall, The distance is slightly wider than the shoulder, the head is placed in the middle of the two yoga mats, the palm root pushes the brick against the wall, tightens the core, the gluteal muscles lift the hip upward, finds the feeling of lifting the pubis upward, maintains 5 breaths 09, the other two methods of entering the wheel pose, the camel style preparation posture, the soles of the feet stand up, pay attention to the thighs inhale perpendicular to the ground and extend the spine, Exhale and tighten the core, put your hands together in front of your chest and enter the wheel pose.

Another entry method can enter from the wild pose.

In the downward dog pose, adjust your breathing, lift your right leg upward, turn your hips into the wild pose, and pay attention to the core tightening and the chest fully pushed upward-   recommend  – Yoga station breathing meditation reading life yoga long press the QR code to pay attention to me..

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