New Yoga Life

Yoga sun worship, a classic introduction to yoga, is most suitable for beginners

Sun worship is a series of 12 Powerful yoga postures.

In addition to being a good exercise, sun worship also has a positive impact on the body and mind.

It’s best to practice on an empty stomach in the morning.

Each round of sun worship consists of two groups with 12 yoga postures in each group.

There are many versions of Japanese worship.

It is recommended to keep practicing a specific version and practice regularly for best results.

Benefits of sun worship: it helps to maintain cardiovascular health, stimulate the nervous system, help stretch and regulate muscles.

It is an excellent exercise for weight loss, enhance immune system and cognitive function, improve overall health, strengthen body and relax mind.

The practice steps of sun worship are as follows: Step 1: stand at the front of the mat in prayer, keep your feet together, and balance your weight.

Stretch your chest and relax your shoulders.

When inhaling, lift your arms from both sides.

When exhaling, put your palms in front of your chest in a prayer style.

Step 2: inhale with your arms up, lift your arms up and back, and keep your biceps close to your ears.

In this position, try to extend the whole body from the heel up to the fingertips.

Step 3: stand, bend forward and exhale, bend forward from your hips, and keep your spine upright.

When you exhale completely, put your hand on the ground near your feet.

Tip: if necessary, you can bend your knees and put your palms on the ground.

Then gently straighten your knees.

Step 4: inhale in the horse riding pose, push the right leg back as far as possible, put the right knee on the ground, enter the lunge pose and look up.

Tip: make sure your left foot is between your hands.

Step 5: when breathing in, extend your left leg back to make the whole body in a straight line.

Tip: keep your arms perpendicular to the ground step 6: eight body throw to the ground, gently put your knees on the ground and exhale.

Slide your hips back slightly and forward, placing your chest and chin on the ground.

Raise your hips slightly.

Two hands, two feet, two knees, chest and chin (eight parts of the body) should touch the ground.

Step 7: push your chest forward into Cobra pose.

You can keep your elbows bent and your shoulders away from your ears.

Look up at the ceiling.

Tip: when inhaling, gently push the chest forward; As you exhale, gently push your navel down.

Put your toes down.

Make sure you stretch more, not force your body.

Step 8: lower the dog to exhale, lift the hip and tailbone, and make the body in an inverted “V” shape.

Tip: if you can, try to put your heels on the ground, gently lift your tailbone and stretch deeply.

Step 9: inhale on horseback and put your right foot forward between your hands.

His left knee fell to the ground.

Press your hips down and look up.

Tip: place your right foot between your hands, and your right lower leg is perpendicular to the ground.

In this position, gently push your hips down to the ground to deepen the stretch.

Step 10: stand, bend forward and exhale, with your left foot forward.

Put your palm on the ground.

Bend your knees if necessary.

Tip: gently straighten your knees.

If you can, try touching your knees with your nose.

Step 11: inhale with your arms up and roll your spine up.

Lift your hands up, bend back slightly, and push your hips out slightly.

Tip: make sure your biceps are next to your ears.

The goal is to stretch more rather than bend back.

Step 12: when exhaling in mountain pose, straighten your body first, and then lower your arms.

Relax in this position and observe how your body feels.

This completes a round of sun worship.

Just one side, start placing the left foot behind in step 4 and move the right foot forward in step 10.

After that, you will complete a round of Sun Salutation…

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