New Yoga Life

Yoga stretching has a coup! 6 yoga postures, stretch where it hurts!

Yoga is not just deep stretching and chanting – its practice is challenging and makes the connection between body and mind closer.

Asanas have many benefits, such as increased flexibility, reduced stress and anxiety, increased energy, improved balance and improved posture.

At the same time, it can also relieve physical pain.

  Here are 6 yoga postures.

Stretch where it hurts!   1.

Calf muscle and thigh back muscle pain: downward dog pose downward dog pose can stretch the calf and thigh back.

Starting from the four legged bench, push your hips back and up with both hands, straighten your legs, slowly press your heels on the ground and relax your head.


Lower back to relieve headache and tension: Baby pose this relaxed pose can relieve headache and stress while stretching the lower back.

When you come to baby pose, sit your hips on your heels, extend your hands forward, and put your forehead on the mat.

Keep your knees open, big toes together, or knees together if your hips are tight.


Relieve chest tension: Crescent lunge crescent lunge stretches the hip flexor, which is tense due to sedentary.

In addition, clasp your hands behind your back with ten fingers to open and raise your chest and help open your shoulders.

Front leg knee 90 °, directly above cunning.

Keep your hind legs straight, extend your spine, and rotate your pelvis perpendicular to the ground.

Put your hands behind your back and cross your fingers.


Relieve lower back pain and tension: Bridge (assisted by yoga brick) bridge can relieve lower back tension, especially placing a yoga brick at the tailbone.

Stretch your back as you inhale deeply.

Come to the bridge, lie down, bend your knees, step on the ground with your hands on both sides of your body.

Lift your hips and spine up and keep your feet on the ground.

Put bricks under your hips, or a high pillow, or a rolled up blanket, or even a book.


Shoulder, upper back and spine tension: extended pug is a combination of downward dog and infant.

It can relieve the tension of shoulders and upper back and stretch the spine.

Start from the four legged bench, step on the ground with your toes, extend your hands forward, palm down, and know that your chest is on the ground.

Keep your hands down and your insteps close to the ground.

Breathe deeply in the pose.


Tension in the back of thighs, neck and shoulders: double angle forward flexion, a simple but effective forward flexion, can stretch the shoulders at the same time, which is good for relaxing the back of thighs, neck and shoulders.

Starting from the mountain pose, hands on hips, feet open the length of one leg, feet facing forward.

Extend the spine, then fold down and relax the head naturally.

Put your hands behind your back, cross your fingers, or put a yoga brick under your hands.

If you can, fold down a little deeper until your head touches the ground.

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