New Yoga Life

Yoga not only protects the intestines and stomach, but also helps digestion. The most important thing is to avoid injury and regulate common

Most people who come to practice yoga come with “injuries”, such as spondylosis, compression or ectopic lumbar joints, collapse and calcification of pelvic rotating joints are very common.

Most of them are caused by long-term bad posture and habits.

For example, if you cross your legs for a long time, it will lead to pelvic rotation, and the left and right hips will be one big and one small, and so on.

Some people think that yoga is not suitable for people with physical diseases.

Is that true? The senior yoga physiotherapy and rehabilitation coach has something to say: in fact, yoga practice is the repair of the body.

The comfort of the exercise is very important.

The exercise beneficial to the body must not be as tired as possible.

The right yoga practice is healing, and the wrong practice is injury.

Today, yogi Xiaobian will help you analyze → long-term desk work, sedentary and low head people & neck and shoulder disease, scapulohumeral periarthritis, how to avoid injury, effectively protect the invasion of common diseases and cure existing symptoms ~ regular practice can also help us strengthen the digestive system and eliminate symptoms such as gastric acid, dyspepsia and abdominal distention.

Now follow # online physiotherapy yoga # practice! Step1—   Barawaga    — This action can not only strengthen the spleen and stomach, but also improve the stiffness of thoracolumbar spine! It also has a good effect on arthritis.

This action is the gospel of white-collar workers with low back pain of sedentary people!! Detailed action: straighten your legs forward, bend your knees, put your legs back and move your feet to the right side of your hips; Hip landing, turn the torso 45 degrees to the left, straighten the right arm and put it on the left thigh near the left knee cover; Exhale with your left arm around your back and your fingers pointing to the back; Twist the neck to the right and focus on the right rear; Hold this position for half a minute and breathe deeply.

Step2—   seated twist    — This action can well promote the functions of digestive system and circulatory system, relieve back and neck pain and sciatica, stretch and strengthen spine, shoulder and hip, and alleviate discomfort in physiological period.

Don’t tell your girlfriend to drink more hot water anymore   Detailed action: sit on the floor with your legs straight.

Bend the right leg and tighten it to the hip as much as possible, so that the right ankle is close to the root of the left leg and the body is slightly sideways.

Raise your right hand and breathe deeply with the strength of your abdomen and waist.

Try to keep your body straight and not bent.

Hold on for a moment and change to the other side.

Step3—   Locust style    — This is a magical action: help digestion, reduce lower back fat, tighten hip and leg lines, and improve hip curve.

Sexy figure comes from yoga! Action details:   Inhale slowly through your nostrils and hold your breath; Slowly raise your head and support the ground with your chin (you can put a cushion under your chin); Clench your fists and tighten your arms and hands; Extend the right leg backward as far as possible, and then raise it slowly; Hold this position for 5-6 seconds; Start to exhale slowly and return your legs and head to the ready position at the same time.

Repeat the same exercise on the left; Rest for 5-10 seconds and repeat.

Step4—   One leg back extension    — This action not only helps to improve kidney function, beneficial to lower body tissue, beneficial to intestines and stomach, promote the function of liver and spleen, but also thin legs! ← eye catching and effective enough! Detailed action: sit on the mat with your legs together, bend your right leg, put your right foot on your left thigh, put your right heel against your left abdomen, and your right foot heart up, sitting in a half lotus.

Keep posture for 5-10 seconds; Exhale, bend your left elbow outward, lean forward, your abdomen close to your left thigh, and your forehead falls on your left calf; Adjust your breathing.

Stretch your right hand from behind, grab your right toe, and hold your left toe forward with your left hand.

Inhale, look up and stretch your back.

Inhale, restore your upper body to upright, release your hands and continue to practice with the other leg.

  Tips    Note: do not exercise or Yoga asanas immediately after meals.

Because the brain will lack oxygen and blood circulation problems during practice after meals.

And if there is something in your stomach, twisting, inversion, stretching and other postures will make you feel nausea.

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