New Yoga Life

Yoga is so cool. How do you do it? Teach you a move!

Forward crossing is a series of excessive movements in Ashtanga Yoga, which will also be used in flow yoga.

It requires the strength of the arms, the strength of the abdomen, the flexibility of the shoulders, the flexibility of the back of the thighs, and so on.

Today’s recommended Yoga sequence is to prepare for forward crossing.


Downward dog pose starts with the most basic downward dog pose, starting with arm, shoulder, back and abdominal strength.

Stretch the back of the thigh, adduct the abdomen, and start the abdominal band and perineal band.

Hold for 5 minutes.


Baby pose finish the downward dog pose and relax in baby pose for 2 minutes.


Inclined plate in the inclined plate, further activate the arm, back and core strength.

Keep your body in a straight line, adduct your abdomen and lift your hips slightly.

Hold for 1 minute.


Phantom chair pose this pose can activate the thighs and abdomen to strengthen.

Keep your legs together, your knees no more than your toes, your abdomen, and your hips.

Hold for 1 minute.


Stand with your feet on your palms and bend forward.

To cross, it is important to stretch the back of your thighs.

Open your feet hip width apart, with your palms facing up and under your feet.

Extend the spine forward and down for 2 minutes.


Dynamic brick boat boat can exercise the strength of abdomen, back and groin.

Come to boat pose with bricks between your feet.

Exhale and sink your back and legs.

Inhale and return to boat.

Repeat 10 times.


Sit and stand forward flexion to further strengthen the range of forward flexion.

Straighten your legs and hook back, and grasp the brick behind your feet with both hands forward.

Hold for 1 minute.


L-shaped arm support L-shaped arm support is ready for crossing.

Starting from the mountain sitting posture, support the ground with both hands on both sides of the thighs, start the abdominal strength, and lift the hips up and back.

Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times.


Lift your hips to the highest position (brick assist) stand on the brick, bend forward and support the ground with both hands.

Then raise your heels, your hips up, and your arms straight.

Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times-.

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