New Yoga Life

Yoga is always the secret of youth and happiness

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Yoga people are generally elegant and dignified, which is a kind of calm and calm brought out from their bones.

Maybe it is related to these good habits formed by adhering to yoga for a long time.

Let’s see what they have.

01 enjoy the present.

If you live in memory, you will feel depressed.

If you live in the future, you will worry and worry.

When you live in the present, you will feel satisfied, happy and peaceful.

02 know how to be grateful   Pay attention to the nuances of life.

A small flower, sunrise and sunset, and a smile will make you happy.

Appreciate the beauty of life and everything you have with a grateful heart.

03 compassionate   If you can look at problems from the perspective of others, keep calm in case of conflicts and deal with problems objectively, you will have less conflicts, more tolerance and more happiness.

04 keep learning, often use the brain, intensive asanas, breathing and meditation.

There is a lot of knowledge about yoga, yoga postures, anatomy knowledge and yoga philosophy.

It takes a long time to study and conquer, so as to experience the fun.

05 always face life with a smile and optimism, and always remember to give yourself a knowing smile.

No matter what your situation is, no matter how difficult things are, they will pass.

Don’t take life too seriously.

06 understand that tolerance, hatred and anger are punishment for yourself.

When you let go, you are giving yourself kindness, learning to forgive others, let go of yourself and become a stronger person.

07 regular meditation regular meditation can lead to changes in brain structure, including the density of black matter in the hippocampus, which is important for learning and memory.

At the same time, he can maintain a peaceful state of mind.

08 persistent yoga is a process of persistence and never giving up.

Every progress is the result of your persistence.

Difficulties are temporary.

Give yourself a chance.

Since you choose anything, you should move forward bravely.

09 care for yourself.

Only when you are healthy, happy, positive and optimistic can you bring sunshine to others.

Pay attention to reasonable diet, regular exercise and proper rest, you will have a healthy body and mind.

Knowing how to share and help others can ensure that you have a good mood.

In addition to material giving, it can also be spiritual support.

Even a gentle smile will bring warmth to others.

After you’ve read it, you can watch it before you go 👍。.

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